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These lewd things are idols?: Episode 28

These lewd things are idols?

Episode: 28

It was absurd, but I couldn't deny it either. This was nerve-wracking to the point of driving me crazy.



Unable to go all the way, I merely let my dick rest against her pussy as we both naturally kept our eyes on Park Joo-yong.

He rummaged through his pockets for a lighter and lit a cigarette with a lonely expression.

"Wow. How is it that even smoking makes that guy look so pathetic? It's downright unappealing."

"Pfft. I know, right?"

There are several smokers in our company. How is it that, as a team leader, this guy doesn't have a single person to smoke with?

In movies, people often use cigarettes to create a sense of coolness, but in his case, it's the exact opposite, emphasizing his wretchedness.

"Pff, cough!"

Seeing him even choke on the smoke made me almost burst out laughing. Hye-eun and I covered each other's mouths with our hands, which naturally led to a kiss.

"Damn it."

Just then, Park Joo-yong suddenly turned towards our direction.


My heart nearly stopped. What was he doing?

Turns out he was brushing off dandruff from his shoulders and checking his thinning hairline at the same time.

"That's kind of pitiful."

"He's getting older. By the way, oppa."


Hye-eun called me in a suggestive tone, then slyly started rubbing my dick, still resting against her pussy.

"Hngh. It doesn't seem to be shrinking at all."

"Hey, you… Even now?"

"Whatever do you mean 'even now?' The fact that it’s still hard means you really want to put it in, right?"

"You sure you won't make any noise?"

"Of course."

She nodded confidently.

"I was only making those moans to please you, oppa. You didn't know?"

Has this woman lost her mind?




I thrust hard in a fit of annoyance, and she immediately let out a loud moan.

Both of us were so startled that we quickly checked on Park Joo-yong.

"What the hell! What kind of crazy idiot honks their horn like that? You fucking lunatic! If you're going to drive like that, get out of your car and walk!"

In the time we were about to start having sex, it seemed like there was some commotion on the road below. Park Joo-yong was yelling down at them.

And he was flicking his cigarette ash down there as well.

This guy just seems to irritate me with everything he does.

"Damn it."

After finishing his cigarette, there was a tin can nearby to use as an ashtray, but he ignored it and carelessly tossed the cigarette butt off the rooftop, immediately lighting up another one.

That insane chain-smoker.

What if someone below gets hit by that ash?

[Do you think he cares about that?]


"I heard he got scolded a lot for that habit when he was a rookie, but I guess he hasn't changed."

"They say old habits die hard."

While we mumbled, we gently kissed again and slowly moved our hips.

"Hnng, hng."

"Keep the noise down."

"This is as quiet as I can get. Hng, every time your thick, hard thing hits deep inside, I can't help but let out a moan. Hngh. Still, this definitely feels different from usual, so it's good too. I might get addicted to this."

"I don't hate it either, but this isn't good for my heart."

After two cigarettes in a row, you'd think he'd leave, but instead, this crazy guy took out a scorched rice candy from who knows where, popped it into his mouth, and picked up his phone.

‘Is it because he’s a team leader and busy?’

That thought lasted only a moment.

"Hey, Dong-hae. It's me, Joo-yong."

It was obvious he was calling a friend. From the way he had to make an effort to get the call connected, they didn’t seem particularly close.

“Since he’s on the phone…”

“Wait… Hngh!”

Thrust. Thrust. Thrust.

*Thrust, thrust, thrust.*

"Hngh. Hngh, hngh!"

Hye-eun tried to support herself against the wall with one hand, while using the other to cover her mouth to muffle her moans, but she was already leaning forward, focusing solely on the pleasure.

She was so engrossed in the ecstasy that she forgot Park Joo-yong was even there, as she began dripping her lewd juices from her pussy.

As I squeezed her ass and moved my hips, I eavesdropped on Joo-yong’s conversation.

This really is sex.

"Yeah. So, how are you doing? You doing well? That’s good to hear. As for me…"

Joo-yong asked about his friend’s well-being, then immediately began lamenting his own situation.

"It's not easy, Dong-hae. Why is life so damn hard? There are so many fucking crazy people out there."

Wow, shit.

He actually said that out loud.

"A single loach doesn't just muddy the water. At this point, it's like a single worm is trying to ruin the entire company. I'm really holding back my tears trying to stop it, but no one even notices. It's really upsetting."

"Huh... Hnnng... Do they even have a conscience? Really? Haaaang. Oppaaa..."

Now, Han Hye-eun is leaning against the wall with both hands, pushing out her hips.

Slap! I spanked her ass while still eavesdropping on Park Joo-yong's phone call.

If I hadn't listened while having sex, I might have exploded in anger.

"People really don't remember the good things. That saying is spot on. Do they even know how much effort I've put into this company? Both the CEO and Hye-eun only side with that arrogant bastard."

Squeak. Squeak.


"Quit? What the hell do you mean quit? I love this company so much. In times like this, I need to stay and work even harder."

Damn it. Just quit already.

Thud. Thud.

"Yeah. Yeah. Life is all like this. It's the same everywhere. It's just like how people rarely acknowledge the achievements of the martyrs. I'm exactly in that position right now. No one appreciates it, but I'm fighting hard for the company in solitude."

"Wow... Hnnng!"

Even Han Hye-eun, who was moaning, couldn't help but let out a small exclamation at his shamelessness.

The scarier thing is...

This bastard actually believes what he's saying.

"Yeah. Okay. Oh? You have to go? Alright. Yeah, you're probably busy. I'll try to hang in there, too, buddy. In this world full of insane people, I’m the only normal one, so I have to desperately try to solve the problems."

"Hngh... Hngh..."

"Yeah. Okay. Let’s grab a drink next time. Yeah. Sure."

The call suddenly ended with a click.

"This bastard. He was dying to end the call. Well, he must be busy. After all, people our age have a lot of responsibilities sitting in high positions."

What the hell is this bullshit?

[Seriously, even I feel suffocated just listening quietly.]

"I can't believe it. What a crazy world! No, screw that bastard Kim Hyun-woo! I hope he just dies. Ptooey!"

Park Joo-yong, unable to hold back his anger, shouted from the rooftop and even spat toward the street.

Only then did he leave the place.

"Hah. Really."

I couldn't even sigh in relief.

It was so ridiculous.

"Isn’t he just a crazy bastard?"

Now I understand why Nobel recommended the rooftop.

Since Park Joo-yong just threw that tantrum and left...

He probably wouldn’t dare approach the rooftop for a while.

If I had accidentally run into him in this state, I would have had to listen to his complaints for almost an hour while enduring secondhand smoke.

‘Wow. This is probably the first time I've been glad to be a team leader.’

If I had been his subordinate and came up to this rooftop with him...

With a bit of exaggeration, I might have just tackled him off the rooftop and chosen to fall to my death with him.

[That’s what a true martyr would do.]

[Who the hell is that kind of person?]

I nodded in agreement.

‘Like I said earlier, the scary thing is that he genuinely believes every word he just spewed out.’

He really thinks he’s working hard for the company...

And that the people constantly criticizing him are just crazy.

‘Wow. What do we do?’

Honestly, even if we revive N&P with the kids I just brought in...

Just thinking that Park Joo-yong would still be around makes me feel as if someone shoved a massive sweet potato down my throat.

[Should I take care of it, Master?]

Take care of what?

‘Tsk. If we keep at it, the opportunity to get rid of that bastard will come eventually.’

That wasn't what was important right now.

"Hnnng. I’m cumming."

"Haaaaang! Hngh. Oh... It feels like there's more semen than before. And it feels so hot like my womb is melting. Is it because we had such thrilling sex?"

"Maybe that’s part of it. But you're still young, unlike someone else."

"Puhaha. Haha!"

Han Hye-eun couldn't hold back her laughter and carefully pulled my cock out of her pussy.

Then she changed her position, lifting one leg, spreading her pussy, and begging for more.

Han Hye-eun's pussy, from which semen was dripping, was really pretty.

Her entire being was beautiful, so...

How could her pussy not be attractive?

"This time, put it in like this. Oppa. Oh, by the way, this rebellious act might actually help me study for my villain role."

"What drama is it? You said you couldn’t tell me, right?"

"Not yet. Even for you, Oppa, what's off-limits is off-limits. We have to separate business from pleasure."

"Stop talking bullshit. Just tighten your pussy like the slut you are."

"Hngh. Yes, Oppa..."

I immediately thrust into Han Hye-eun's sideways-positioned pussy.

"Haaang! Hnng!"

Each time my long cock sank into and out of her pussy, Han Hye-eun kept letting out delighted moans.

Enjoying the warm sunlight and the pleasant spring breeze...

Fucking a popular actress’s pussy on the company rooftop was undeniably enjoyable.

All my stress just melted away.

And thinking about how even his friend half-ignored Park Joo-yong gave me a bit of a superiority complex...

"That guy must have cobwebs in his dick by now."

"That’s a harsh thing to say, Oppa. Hnng. But what woman would give her pussy to a guy like him? If it were you, I'd give it to you a hundred times over. Haaang. Oh, it's so good. I think I’m about to cum again. Hnng!"

"Ugh. I'm cumming a second time."

"Haaaaang! My pussy's completely filled up... Hngh. Let's empty it out and go again, Oppa."

Han Hye-eun seemed to want to keep going after emptying her womb full of semen, but...

I coldly shook my head.

"Next time. This should be enough to relieve some of your stress."

"Ah. Really. I completely forgot about it. Actually, I feel more confident now."

"You’re not normal either, you slut."

"Hngh. Every time you talk dirty, my pussy gets wet. Are you really not going to fuck me anymore?"

"There are others I need to take care of. It would be weird if I didn't show up for too long."

"Oh, right."

But instead of zipping up immediately, I dangled my cock in front of Han Hye-eun.

Then, as if she was waiting for it, she naturally opened her mouth and started to suck on my cock, thoroughly cleaning it.

No, she was eagerly giving me a blowjob with the intent of making me cum again.

I firmly pressed the back of her head and shot my semen into her mouth.

"Mm. Delicious."

"Whenever you feel anxious like today, just call me. I’ll come fuck you right away. Honestly, I don't have any advice to give you, but in my opinion, if you keep getting fucked by me, you’ll become one of the top actresses in our country."

"Hnng. Honestly, I’m not scared anymore, but... That aside, I guess I’ll be contacting you often."

As she said that, Han Hye-eun smiled seductively.

"...Nope. I can't resist. Spread your legs again. Damn it. I need to fuck you one more time before I go."

"Haaaaaang! Haaaang!"

I ended up fucking her one more time before heading down.

And then...

"Kids, it's time to go to the hospital. Let’s go."

I headed to the hospital with the three chicks.



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