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These lewd things are idols?: Episode 27

These lewd things are idols?

Episode: 27

"Did you go somewhere with Chun Tae-oh again?"

Han Hye-eun's makeup is on another level.

You might think, "Well, she's a celebrity, so she probably always goes around with full makeup on, right?"

Are you crazy?

Even if she doesn’t do her own makeup, just the process of getting it done by a professional is more tiring than you might think.

“Did you have another meal with the CEO?”

“Oh my, are you jealous?”

“Well, not really. But it does feel a bit shitty to see my girl hanging out with another guy.”

“So, you are jealous. Heh.”

Seeing her laugh like that, pleased with herself, makes me even more annoyed.

“So, what did you do?”

“I didn’t have a meal with him or anything. The guy’s insanely busy. What even is the job of a CEO that makes them so busy?”

“Yeah, seriously. Honestly, I’m curious too.”

Neither I nor Han Hye-eun has ever been a CEO, so we wouldn't know.

I guess I’ll find out when I become one.

“It wasn’t a meal. We just met briefly out front and had a little chat. During that time, I told him something that he would definitely like.”

“What was it?”

If it’s something the CEO would like, it’s probably something I’d be interested in too, right?

“Do you know the writer Lee Yoo-jung?”

“Huh? Lee Yoo-jung?”

I was a bit surprised.

To be honest, I’m not really the type to watch dramas a lot.

I don’t even pick dramas based on the writer.

I just watch the ones that become popular when I have nothing to do on the weekends.

Even someone like me has a drama that I always make sure to watch just because Lee Yoo-jung wrote it.

It’s not just me.

Anyone who watches dramas in Korea knows who Lee Yoo-jung is.

There are definitely some people who scoff and say, “Isn’t Lee Yoo-jung old news?”

But Lee Yoo-jung's name still ranks at the top in the drama industry.

“What’s this about? She’s been quiet for almost five years now.”

“She’s releasing a new work. I only saw part of the script, but it’s insanely good.”

“Yeah, that writer’s dialogue is like gold. It’s no wonder.”

Because she’s such an amazing writer, the actors who appear in her works are always top-tier.

What’s even more impressive is that Lee Yoo-jung sometimes personally picks the actors.

She’s got an uncanny ability to discover not just famous actors but also newcomers or lesser-known actors.

The first thing people say about actors who appear in Lee Yoo-jung’s dramas is always the same.

"[Who knew this actor existed?]"

"[Their acting is insane.]"

"[Every actor in this drama is so good, it's driving me crazy.]"

If this happened once or twice, you could chalk it up to luck, but it happens every time.

Only a select few people know what that means.

"It’s a testament to the writer’s talent."

Lee Yoo-jung has an eye for actors that’s simply extraordinary.

“I can’t give you the details because of the contract, even if you are my boyfriend. But I got cast as one of the main villains in her new work. To be exact, I’m coming back from the audition for that role right now.”

“You auditioned, so there was competition?”

“Yeah, against an actor from CA, which has a bad relationship with N&P. That actor really got under the CEO’s skin when my career was on the decline. But now, I’m on the rise, and I even stole a role in Lee Yoo-jung’s drama?”

Seeing Han Hye-eun smile so smugly, I could understand why Chun Tae-oh would be pleased.

More importantly.

“You really do suit the role of a villain.”

“Hmph. Well, you're not wrong. Compared to the old me, I’ve become much more ruthless. But do you know what this hardened woman said to the CEO when she met him? Hmph.”

Han Hye-eun chuckled softly as she hugged me and whispered in my ear.

“I credited all of this to you.”


“Why are you so surprised? Isn’t it natural to do that much for the man I love? And it’s not like I’m lying. Honestly, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have achieved these results.”

“Hmm, is that so?”

Nobel also agreed.

"[She's right.]"

"[If it had been the old Han Hye-eun, she probably would have ended up ruined and retired. But meeting the Master significantly changed her future.]"

"[Of course.]"

"[The Master is currently blessed by and attracting the attention of the gods, so he’s at the center of cause and effect. Eun Hye-eun, Lee Da-young, Gil Min-seo.]"

"[The fact that you’re involved with more and more people compared to before is proof of that.]"

That’s true.

I had lived a pretty intense life as a low-level manager, but compared to what’s been happening lately, that was nothing.

The only question I had was.

“Can something as small as that really make the CEO so happy?”

“Even something that small can piss someone off. You, of all people, should know that, considering how often you clash with Team Leader Park.”


Now that I think about it, that makes sense.

Comparing it to my relationship with Park Joo-yong, it’s easy to understand.

At some point, it wasn’t about the money anymore.

The desire to crush those who pissed me off and the drive to succeed at what I wanted to do had become stronger.

“I heard the CEO is planning to go out for drinks tonight.”

“No way, with the CA Entertainment CEO?”

“Of course.”


I couldn’t help but laugh.

Even a big-shot CEO has a childish side.

“Anyway, congratulations. With Lee Yoo-jung’s work, there’s no way you’ll fail.”

“It’s definitely something to celebrate.”


Her tone was a bit odd.

As I clapped my hands and looked at Han Hye-eun’s face, I could tell she wasn’t entirely happy.

“When I went to the audition, I did think, ‘I’m doing well these days.’ But I didn’t really think I’d get the part. Lee Yoo-jung didn’t just choose me; three of us competed for one role. Honestly, I would have been fine if I didn’t get it.” 


"Still, I've come this far as a professional actor. I should do my best. I don't want to lose to anyone else. With just that thought, I put everything into my performance, and right then and there, the writer picked me out, saying I was the only one for the role. I was so happy."

Han Hye-eun smiled bitterly, her voice trembling slightly.

"But as I got closer to home, the joy was replaced by anxiety, oppa."


"People would usually think like this, right? Ah, there's no way a work by Writer Lee Yoo-jeong would fail. Every single line is powerful enough to move your heart. The story, the plot, even the character development—it's all incredible. There's no point in even talking about it, it would just tire your mouth."


"I'm playing the main antagonist in such an amazing piece. I'm not even the protagonist. I'm the villain. Even though it's a drama with three antagonists, my role is quite significant."

The anxiety and self-loathing she felt about herself surfaced on her face.

"I must be crazy, really. A professional actor, and not even a rookie anymore, is given such a great opportunity, yet I'm so overwhelmed by the pressure that I can't even prepare properly."

I understood why Han Hye-eun was so scared.

It's because she's fallen before.

It's important to have experience with failure.

But among the monstrous rookies, there are certainly those who've never known failure, so they always look upward.

Because they don't know failure, they don't hesitate.

‘Han Hye-eun has grown because she knows failure, but at the same time, she’s a case that also feels fear from it.’

One could say she's weak.

[Well, she's just that kind of person.]

[If not for the master's help, she might have completely failed and disappeared from this industry.]

It might seem like a harsh evaluation.

But it wasn't wrong.


"So, you came to find me?"

"I know I'm pathetic. I bragged to the director that it was all thanks to you, oppa, but that can't be the truth, right? I knew that what you said at the food stall back then was just something nice wrapped up in pretty words."

In a way, it's like superstition or a routine.

Even professionals have something like that, don't they?

The world's best soccer player might have to tie his shoelaces three times before a match.

Or the world's best director might insist on holding a thorough ritual before filming.

But the psychological comfort that routine provides is not something that can be ignored.

Han Hye-eun, aside from the pleasure I gave her.

She developed a bit of an obsession with the fact that she succeeded after we had sex.

"The fact that you're worrying about something like that is proof that you're trying hard, you idiot."

In a way, that effort wasn't in vain.

[That's right.]

[Especially since today just happens to be right after the Blessing of Sex leveled up. Lucky her. How could she have known to come at just this time?]

Maybe this is really one of the results of ‘effort never betrays you.’

"Hey, Han Hye-eun."


"I really love Writer Lee Yoo-jeong's dramas. It's the only drama I watch more than twice."

"They are fun. I've thought so many times that I wanted to appear in one someday."

"Hah, Hye-eun-ah, that's not what's important right now."


"The thought of you appearing as a villain in that drama. Damn, that's so hot, really."

At my words, Han Hye-eun flinched.

She began to show the lustful side she had been suppressing.

I stuck my finger in her mouth and teased it wildly as I spoke.

"I told you, you're really beautiful and attractive. You just need to gain confidence and relieve some stress to get into the best condition, and you can blow away all the other girls in this industry."

"Mm, mm."

Han Hye-eun looked up at me with tear-filled eyes, sucking on my finger as if it were my dick.

"Do you know why I can say that with such confidence?"

"Mmm, chuup."

"Because I've fucked you so many times. And I'll keep fucking you. I don't sleep with women who don't taste good anymore."

It was an indecent and vulgar expression.

But to this girl, that vulgar compliment was the greatest joy in the world.

"Oppa, I don't think I can hold back anymore."

"You perverted bitch. This is the office, you idiot."


Han Hye-eun slyly sucked on my finger even more intensely as she revealed her cleavage.


I swallowed my saliva and spoke to Nobel.

'Help me out.'

[Shall I suggest a location?]


[Right now, the rooftop of this building seems perfect. The sunlight is bright, so it shouldn't be too cold.]


If Nobel suggests it, it must be reliable.

On the way up to the rooftop in the elevator, I teased Han Haye-eun's pussy relentlessly.

"You’re not just using this as an excuse to have sex, are you?"

"Oppa, ah, ooh!"

Her good reactions made me want to tease her even more.

"If not, then why is your pussy so wet? Look how my fingers are glistening."

"Ooh, that's because your fingers feel so good. And..."


"Just thinking about your dick going in soon... makes me excited."


This is what I'm talking about.

She really makes me want to fuck her.

As we arrived at the rooftop and found a secluded spot, I pulled down her skirt and rubbed my dick against her pussy.

"Ah, fuck!"


Both Han Hye-eun and I held our breath at the all-too-familiar voice and noise.

We saw Park Joo-young standing by the railing, smoking a cigarette.


[It’s more fun with a bit of thrill, right?]

You crazy bitch.



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