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These lewd things are idols?: Episode 33

These lewd things are idols?

Episode: 33

Honestly, I’m not jealous at all of that Avengers movie everyone was raving about.

“One. Two. Three. Four. And then, boom, boom, boom, turn.”

In the square-shaped practice room, with no music.

The only sound is the kids’ footsteps.

At the front, Seong Seri is leading the kids with more skill than most trainers.

“The key here is to put some power into it. Of course, without getting hurt.”


“Got it.”

“Yes, ma'am!”

One of the reasons people switch to being a trainer is when they’ve spent years as an idol trainee but haven’t made their debut.

Especially in Seri’s case, she trained for seven years without debuting, despite her extraordinary talent.

So, it’s no surprise she’s an amazing trainer.

‘This is great. Really great.’

It’s like accidentally finding a lost puzzle piece and discovering it fits perfectly, giving you that satisfying feeling.

Though they’re still rookies.

Watching these chicks grow so quickly gives me a deep sense of pride and fulfillment.

“Alright, let’s show our team leader how we do it in a real situation. As trainees, you never know when you’ll be evaluated, so you always have to work hard and keep pushing yourself.”




Suddenly, the song by the currently hottest girl group starts playing.

As someone working in the entertainment industry, I monitor this stuff daily, so I’ve seen and heard this song and choreography dozens of times, especially in short videos.


It’s got that mix of cute and sexy.

That’s why expressing your beauty and emotions is so crucial in this choreography.

I had some concerns, but.





Without realizing it, a pleased smile spreads across my face, and I tremble a little with delight.

It’s both embarrassing and endearing.

Even Hee-ju, who usually maintains a neutral expression, shows the most emotion when performing on stage.

She doesn’t even express herself this much during practice.

But the moment she imagines being on stage, she transforms, her emotional expression becoming rich and vivid.


“That was good. Whew. Team Leader, can we watch the video we just recorded? Everyone, gather around.”

At the mother hen’s words, the chicks chirp and gather.

The four heads merge like trolls, their eyes fixed on the monitor.

“Let’s see. Eun Hee-ju.”


“You’re still amazing at mimicking. That’s your strength. But don’t just stop at imitation. Think of it as surpassing the original and keep working on it. Your movements are almost perfect, but there are still some parts where your emotional expression is lacking.”

“Got it.”

“When you smile, it should be like this. Ah, right!”

As if something suddenly came to her mind, Seong Seri leans in and whispers softly into Eun Hee-ju’s ear.

[She’s something else.]

I think I hear something, but.

I can’t quite make out what she’s saying.

I don’t know what Seri said, but after she pulls back, Eun Hee-ju looks at me and gives a small nod.

“Yeah, smile like that. Next, Lee Da-young.”

“Ahem. Yes.”

“You’re meticulous. You’re so meticulous that you try not to make any mistakes, which causes your body to stiffen. Especially when you’re about to perform a difficult move, you worry about it in advance, which leads to small mistakes in the previous steps.”

“Are you saying my personality is the problem?”

“No. Your personality is definitely one of your charms. That’s why you rarely make mistakes in any situation. Plus, you have a keen eye and help our members by spotting their weak points, which is a big help to me too.”


“So instead of changing your personality, you should keep working until your body can move automatically, even while paying attention to detail.”

“Got it.”

Lastly, there was Gil Min-seo.

“Min-seo, you’ve improved a lot too. You could easily stand out on your own, but you’re sharing your overflowing energy with the team, which makes all of us shine together.”

“It’s enough for me to be in sync with everyone!”

This is what a perfect member looks like.

Aside from Seong Seri, it’s hard to believe these chicks have only been practicing for less than two months, given how skilled they are.

If there’s something special about them, it might be this:

“Ah, Team Leader. I feel like I’m about to explode.”

“Really? Come with me.”

As soon as we moved to the emergency exit, I grabbed Lee Da-young’s hair and started scolding her.

“You stupid bitch. Do you always feel like you’re about to explode? Are you just looking for an excuse to get punished? I’ve told you countless times to control your temper like a proper slave.”

“Hmmm... I’m sorry, Master…”

At this point, it’s hard to tell if this is punishment or a reward.

It’s like if I don’t discipline her when she’s about to explode, it backfires.

“Hah, ahhh!”

I pound her raw with all my might in the emergency exit.

I spilled a load of semen into Lee Da-young’s pussy.

“Hah. Hah.”

“Use proper language. Once you debut, even slipping up with a curse word could spark a controversy.”

“Yes, Master. Mm-hmm.”

When it’s just the two of us, Lee Da-young becomes… well.

It seems like she’s fully embracing her role as a submissive slave now.

It’s like she’s discovered a new side of herself.

Thanks to that, she’s actually calmed down a lot.

Now, even when she gets pissed off, she doesn’t immediately start cursing.

“Well, I’ll go back to practice now.”


“Master, please punish me again next time.”

“…Got it. Go on.”

As soon as Lee Da-young left, almost like she was waiting in line, Gil Min-seo quickly came running over.

“Oppa, I’ve been moving around a lot today. I think I need a bit of recharging.”

“Spread them, you bitch.”

In just two months, Gil Min-seo has already gained a reputation at N&P as the “happiness virus spreader.”

No one would guess how filthy she really is.

Min-seo lifts up her sweat-soaked t-shirt.

She pulls down the shorts she’s wearing, and then, while holding onto the wall, spreads her pussy in front of me, shaking her hips.

“Oppa. Oppa, please put it in. Mm-hmm. I want to feel really good.”

“Damn. It’s for your health, after all.”

"Haaang! But good things are still good, right? A man and a woman coming together is a natural order. Ahhh! I'm so happy, Haaang. Every time your cock goes in, even though I'm already happy, I feel even happier to the point I think I'm going to cry."

"Ugh! I'm going to come."


I released a load of cum deep into Min-seo's womb.

"Slurp. It's delicious."

Gil Min-seo, wanting to smear herself with my scent even more, cleaned me up with her mouth while rubbing her face against my cock, then bowed her head.

"Thank you again today, oppa."

"Go. You bitch."

"Haaang. I, Gil Min-seo, only become a lewd bitch in front of you, oppa. I'll keep trying my best!"

After sending Gil Min-seo away, I thought:

"Yeah. I knew you'd come. No, you're a crazy bitch."

Seong Seri walked in, holding a soju bottle in her hand.

"Team Leader, I haven't fully fixed my drinking habit yet. Shall we drink? Or would you prefer feeding me a healthy protein-filled load of cum?"

"Agh, you bastard. Spread your legs."

"Haaang! Aaaahhh. This is the best. Haaang, hwk! Harder, fuck me harder. Ahhhhh! Every time you pound into me, I feel like I'm getting a year younger. Haaang. My body isn't what it used to be, but getting fucked like this really energizes me. Haaang! Am I just a pervert?"

"It's because you're just a filthy slut. You whore."

"Haaang. You're right. I'm lewd. So fuck me harder. Haaang. I'm coming. Coming! Haaang! Ah. Ah. This is the best."

Sometimes, even Han Hye-eun, worn out from filming, would call me to come over to her place just for sex.

[So, when are you going to fuck Hee-ju?]

I was actually concerned about this too.

I've been fucking all the members every day except Hee-ju.

At this point, I wonder if I'm actually neglecting her.

‘I need to fuck her.’


Is it really okay to do that to Hee-ju?

"Hey, Seong Seri."

"Hm? What's up, Team Leader?"

Seong Seri, who was tying her hair back after a satisfying round of sex, tilted her head curiously.

"It's about Hee-ju."

"Yeah, go ahead."

"I'm only telling you this because it's you. Besides you, I've also been fucking Da-young and Min-seo."

"You're the worst. But I kind of already knew."

Sharp girl.

"As a result, I'm only not fucking Hee-ju. But Hee-ju has a bit of a special situation."

"She was a victim of school violence, right? Oh, right. She also said her parents abandoned her. Well, it’s not surprising that someone like Hee-ju would turn out that way. To others, she might seem cold or composed, but that’s not it. If you talk to her a few times in the dorm, you’ll realize. The girl just hasn’t learned much and has been a constant victim. No one ever protected or loved Hee-ju."

Seong Seri is smart.

"So I'm worried that if I fuck Hee-ju, it might backfire. You know?"

"I know you’re good at sex, Team Leader, but aside from that, just getting fucked might be a shock for her."

"Well, if I keep fucking her, I think Hee-ju will eventually start to feel good and accept it. I'm just that good at it."

"Hmph, I want to disagree, but I can't. Ugh. Honestly, the lower half of you is just too tasty. Hmm. Well, I feel like the whole premise is a bit off. But okay, I'll take care of it. You just focus on what you need to do, Team Leader."

"Hey! Hey, hey! What do you mean by that…?"

Before I could grab her, Seong Seri blew a kiss towards my cock, then went back to the practice room.

And then.

"Did you hear?"

Yoon Won-seok showed up after a long time.

This guy.

I wonder what kind of information he brought this time that he couldn't wait to spill.

"AA (Iced Americano)?"

"Thank you, Team Leader Kim."

Yoon Won-seok gratefully accepted the drink and sweetly complimented me.

"I saw the kids you brought in practicing. Wow. They're good. Each one of them has their own charm, and it's no joke. It's only been two months since they started practicing, right? But they’re already better than some kids who have been training for years."

"Stop rambling and Get to the point."

"Yes, sir!"

How should I put it?

Just two months ago, Yoon Won-seok and I were speaking formally to each other, feeling like we were on the same level.

The saying that a position makes a person isn't just for nothing.

Before I knew it, I was getting used to being in the role of team leader, even if it's just temporary.

It was more comfortable to speak informally to Yoon Won-seok.

No matter what others might think.

Yoon Won-seok also adjusted, becoming more polite.

'If only his mouth weren't so loose, I could have taken him in.'

Because soon, I’d have to start forming the members' team.

I can't manage everything by myself forever.

I needed to find composers and lyricists.

And someone to match the choreography and planning.

'Well, I can rely on Nobel for some of the planning.'

[Right. As a top-tier AI, I can help with that. Although I haven't been making any big moves lately.]

What are you talking about?

You’ve been helping at critical moments.

In life, there are so many people who mess up because they make the wrong choices at crucial times.

Even just helping during those crucial moments is more than enough.

[You're really something.]

Nobel muttered softly.

[You have so many qualities that would make women like you. Even the female part of me is about to come out.]

Then go ahead and spread your legs.

[Well, if the opportunity arises.]

"Do you know 'Nampho-dong Nuclear Iron Fist'?"

Anyone would think it's a gangster's name.

But no.

"Crazy. He’s the hottest composer in K-POP right now. More than half of his songs make it to the top 5 on charts and music shows."

"Yes, the CEO has arranged for that composer to give a song to either your trainees or Park Team Leader's Oasis."


"At least, that’s the rumor going around."

"Honestly, who do you think they’ll give it to?"

Both I and Yoon Won-seok smiled slightly.

"If it were before, I wouldn’t know. But now, it’s probably…"


I thought so too.



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