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Episode 64: The King of the Underworld is Tired

The King of the Underworld is Tired

Episode 64: The Banquet of the Underworld – (1)

Today is one of those days when I find myself in the office, pulling my hair out in frustration alongside Mente.

It’s the day to resolve Charon’s grievance, where most of the dead souls arriving from the mortal world carry a strong mint scent.

“Ah, Hades, you’re finally asking about it… My nose has been struggling…”

“I see. I apologize. You should have mentioned it earlier…”

“Don’t misunderstand me. It’s not that I hate the scent associated with you or anything… It’s just, um…”

“…I’ll discuss this with Menthe right away and find a solution.”

Athena had mentioned it before—too much mint has been harvested up to the banks of the Acheron River.

After I checked the entrance to the underworld and spoke with Charon, I found out…

“There’s a lot more mint scent than I expected. No wonder there are those who dislike it.”

“Hades, if mint becomes popular as food, won’t the amount used in funerals increase?”

“No matter how much they use it for food, I doubt humans would waste such a useful herb at funerals…”

Mint is a plant with strong reproductive and survival abilities.

Perhaps it’s because it originated from Menthe’s power, as she was once a nymph?

But long ago, in my past life, there were no nymphs...

While talking with Menthe, I glanced at a mint leaf lying on the desk.

Suddenly, I had the urge to drink some refreshing mint tea.


“One moment…”

I got up from my seat and brought out the Cornucopia.

As I reached into the broken horn, I imagined a yellow fruit, a lemon.


“Wow… This is the Cornucopia? It’s my first time seeing it.”

“We gods don’t really need food, but it’s useful when we want a bit of refreshment.”

After pulling a lemon from the Cornucopia, I peeled it in midair, mixed it with some mint leaves, and…

“Do you like sweet things by any chance?”

“Of course! I love honey. The bees near Mount Etna, blessed by Pan…”

When I thought of honey, golden liquid slowly flowed from the Cornucopia.

I caught a decent amount in midair, mixed it well, and poured it into a golden cup.

And with that, the lemon honey mint tea was complete.

“This is mint tea, personally made by Hades…!”

The tea, now a soft yellow, sat in the golden cup.

I offered it to the wide-eyed Menthe and took a few sips myself.


The well-ripened lemon, with its perfect tartness, combined with the fresh mint aroma and the delightful sweetness of the finest honey I had imagined, created a superb flavor.

“Wow… This is really good. Humans would love this.”

“If there are any idle gods, we should invite them and share this.”

“I’ll go call them. I saw Lady Styx resting in her room earlier…”

Menthe, having already finished her tea, licked her lips and left the office.


I sipped my tea while waiting for her to return.

Perhaps I could spread different varieties of mint to the mortal world, encouraging humans to use it in more foods…

And for those who dislike mint, I could simply advise them not to force themselves to endure it.

After all, personal tastes in food can vary widely, so it wouldn’t be wrong to issue an oracle allowing my followers to avoid it if they wish…


“Hades. Menthe said you were calling.”

“What are you sharing this time?”

“Is this a reward for all our hard work?”

“Mint tea? Isn’t that a plant humans use at funerals?”

It was Lady Styx who entered with Menthe, followed by Moros, who symbolizes doom, and Keres, who represents inevitable death.

I offered them seats and remade the lemon honey mint tea I had just prepared.

As the sweet and subtle scent filled the office, it tickled everyone’s noses.

“This is mint tea I’m planning to spread throughout the mortal world. Please, try it.”

“As you mentioned before, the overwhelming scent of mint from the souls—are you planning to spread it as an ingredient among mortals?”

“Hmm… It reminds me of Dionysus’ wine.”

“Mixing honey, mint, and lemon… How about adding other spices?”

“This is really delicious!”

As each of them received a cup of the golden tea, I brought out a dish of roasted lamb from the Cornucopia to complement the mint tea.

The well-seasoned lamb was sprinkled with various herbs and spices.

As the juice slowly oozed out of the tender meat, I offered it to everyone.

“Mmm… This pairs well with the mint.”

“Humans make bread from grains blessed by Demeter. This mint tea would go nicely with that hard bread…”

“Wouldn’t mint also go well with fish? It could be used as a spice.”

Watching them enjoy mortal food, I continued pulling out dishes from the Cornucopia.

There was roasted rodent with beans and figs, a salad with tomatoes and cucumbers…

With so much laid out, we had a feast before we knew it.

“Mmm… It’s not quite ambrosia, but it’s still quite good.”

“…Shall I invite other gods?”

“Mmm. Gulp. I saw Hypnos earlier…”

What was supposed to be a gathering to discuss mint had quickly turned into a banquet.

Oh well, I’ll have to talk to Menthe about the mint later.

“In that case, let’s just hold a full banquet. Everyone’s been working hard lately, haven’t they?”

“Oh! That’s a great idea!”

“We can spare a day, right?”

“Especially since there’s been less work in the underworld…”

“Eating something other than ambrosia and nectar for a change isn’t so bad.”

At this point, I might as well invite all the gods.

I’ll extend invitations to the relatively free administrators and the three Minos brothers, the judges of souls.

“Messenger! Go tell Lady Lethe, who’s working in the soul quarters, that I’m summoning her, and also to the spirits leading souls on the River Styx…”

* * *

The gods gathered in the office moved to the underworld's banquet hall.

Just as the heralds sent here and there began to bring the gods in, I overturned the Cornucopia.

Skewered and herb-seasoned roast birds, small wraps of bread and vegetables paired with salads of cheese and olive oil…

Though not directly made by Dionysus, beautifully aged wine of striking color.

"Wow… The underworld's banquet is quite extravagant."

"Hehe, Mente, this place may not be Olympus, but it doesn’t fall behind the banquets of the Olympus palace."

"Of course, with food coming from Lord Hades’ Cornucopia, it’s bound to be delicious…"

There were dishes like well-aged cheese mixed with tomatoes and peppers, sautéed dishes, wraps of meat and cabbage leaves, and stuffed tomatoes or pumpkins filled with meat, called gemista.

As a variety of food was set in the banquet hall, the gods, anticipating the feast, refreshed their palates with wine.


Walking into the banquet hall were not Nemesis, but the three Erinyes, the goddesses of vengeance.

With bronze wings and heads wreathed with snakes, they hesitantly looked around as they approached.

"Um… Are we really allowed to join this banquet?"

"Hello! I’m Mente, the goddess of mint, recently born goddess!"

"Ah, a newly born goddess. The nymph who created mint?"

"Hey, Tisiphone, it's been a while. Have cases of infidelity in the mortal world decreased recently?"


Thankfully, they seemed to be blending in well.

Seeing my efforts bear fruit fills me with pride.

It was a good decision to occasionally bring the gods to their dark and gloomy dwelling on the outskirts of the underworld.

Reluctance towards their terrifying appearance tends to fade after frequent meetings.

"…I am the lesser god Medusa, paying my respects to Alekto, the goddess of endless rage."

"Actually, I was thinking of visiting you."

"Is that so…?"

"If you had retained your rage even in the underworld, I might have held the gods accountable as well."

"Even those two gods…?"

I was a bit surprised by the conversation between Medusa and Alekto.

In truth, the Erinyes rarely appear to powerful gods.

Even though Hera is the goddess of family, it’s the same principle that allows her to kill a woman who’s been raped but not harm Zeus.

Alekto continued, sighing, to the bowing Medusa.

"Poseidon and Athena did you a terrible wrong. You must feel much resentment towards the gods, but…"


"Please understand that not all gods are like that."

Sensing the attention of the two goddesses shifting towards me, I averted my eyes.

Ahem… It’s not that I’m particularly virtuous, it's just that other gods are all a bit off in some way…

Fortunately, both Medusa and Mente, who have newly ascended to godhood, were fitting in well.

The effort I put into educating the other gods was worth it.

I had always hoped there would be as little discrimination as possible based on one’s rank or status.

"When will it start?"

"Eh? Charon? How did you get here?"

"Hmph… Can’t I come? I left a part of my power with my double. But I do need to return soon."

"Morpheus, why do you send dreams right before I fully lull them to sleep?"

"I must have dreamed myself…"

"Athenian residents are mistaking it for an oracle. Be more careful next time."

"Hades, let's get started. It seems like everyone is here already."

Goddess Styx, already tipsy from nectar before the banquet even started, called to me.

Really, no matter how hard your work is, isn’t drinking too much nectar a bit much?

As all eyes turned to me, I slowly surveyed the crowd.

Goddess Lethe, Goddess Styx, Medusa and Mente looking a bit awkward, Thanatos still hard at work…

And many other gods and officials of the underworld, all of whom constantly support and assist me.

I hope today's banquet serves as a small reward for them.

"Ahem, ahem."

Rising from my seat, I slowly raised a golden cup filled with nectar and began to speak.

The other gods followed my lead, raising their nectar-filled cups.

"Now, let us commence the underworld's banquet! It may be modest compared to Olympus, but I hope everyone enjoys it to the fullest today!"

Hmm… Speaking in this formal tone feels strange.

Zeus of Olympus might be used to ruling with supreme authority, but the underworld is much more horizontal in structure…

After I finished speaking, one of the oldest gods present, Thanatos, took the lead.

"Glory to Olym— to the underworld!"

"”Glory to the underworld!”"

Thus began an uncertain feast, one that might never end…



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