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I Became the Villain in a Romantic Comedy — Ch 1 part 2

Chapter 1 - You might just get by doing nothing (1) 

[Part 2]


“The skirt is quite short.”

“Hey, sis… Everyone at other schools wears skirts this short too…” 

“Then go to that school. Shall I lead you to the staff room so you can start the transfer process?”

“No, no, that can’t be! Do you know how hard I worked to get here…”

“Then show your student ID and go. Penalty points are given at 3 points per day, and they accumulate until you come for the uniform inspection. Be careful. You know you’re disciplined if it exceeds 10 points, right?”


"Discipline Committee.

It was the word written on the armband on her right shoulder. Hong Seol, who had become the head of discipline Committee this year, had her eyes blazing as she was in charge of marking the new students who had not been there for long.

It had only been a week since the new students entered Raon High School. However, undoubtedly, the person who received more attention than classmates or homeroom teachers was Hong Seol herself.

‘Isn’t the head of discipline Committee being too strict? No matter how prestigious the school is, isn’t this too much?’"

“I really feel like dropping out… I worked so hard to get in here, and now I have to be tormented by that person for over two years?”

“But she’s pretty, you know~ I enjoy the eye candy every morning, what’s there to complain about?”

“That’s something you can’t deny. Honestly, don’t we all admit, we came to this school because the head of discipline Committee is pretty?”


Her long, flowing black hair and neat attire were the epitome of the innocent and delicate female student. However, her cold expression and proud demeanor were befitting of her title as the head of discipline Committee, exuding a feminine grace.

Moreover, her stunning beauty, which was notable even among the entire student body, was enough to make both first-year boys and girls gaze at Hong Seol in awe.

Such was her presence that some students would intentionally break school rules just to have a conversation with her, highlighting her formidable existence.


Already accustomed to such attention, Hong Seol remained dedicated to her primary duties, merely rolling her eyes around.

Entering her second year, Hong Seol had risen to the position of head of discipline Committee, with her unique charisma and serious demeanor. Taking on the role of head of discipline at Raon High School, known for its strict rules and severe punishments, was by no means an easy task.

In some ways, it was a responsibility even more significant than that of the student council president. Serving as the head of discipline Committee at Raon High was a a career experience worthy of recognition in college admissions, adding to the gravity of the role.

“…It was supposed to be today.”

The weight of responsibility seemed to press down on Hong Seol even more today.

Raon High School is considered a prestigious school and is selective in its student admissions, but this year, oddly enough, one ridiculous freshman was admitted.

Lee Ji-woon.

This freshman, who looked like a delinquent at first glance, was a troublemaker among troublemakers, having caused countless incidents since middle school.

Mostly involved in assaults. Not to mention alcohol and cigarettes, he was a typical troublemaker who had a history of involving in fights and frequenting the police station.

He was able to gain admission to Raon High School by leveraging the advantage of foreign languages due to his long period of studying abroad. However, that was just the superficial reason. The widespread belief was that his parents had lobbied in society for his admission.


Hong Seol grinds her teeth alone. To her, who had lived a life prioritizing justice and fairness, the existence named Lee Ji-woon was evil itself.

She still reminisced about the day, a week ago, when the new students had their entrance ceremony. Upon seeing Lee Ji-woon, whose behavior was far from proper at first glance, Hong Seol approached him. While she was reprimanding him, he almost couldn’t contain his anger, and it nearly escalated into a violent incident.

Fortunately, the other members of the discipline committee intervened, otherwise, his fist might have actually hit her face.

She urged that a disciplinary committee should be convened immediately using her authority as the head of discipline Committee, but the board’s response was lukewarm, and Lee Ji-woon suddenly stopped coming to school the next day.

Of course, it wasn’t an unauthorized absence; rumors circulated that he had been hospitalized due to an accident, but Hong Seol couldn’t even believe that. Considering that his admission was through lobbying, erasing a few unauthorized absences would have been much easier than that.

‘Lee Ji-woon…!’

And so, today, he would pass through this main gate.

With his usual slack appearance and wayward behavior. Undoubtedly, this troublemaker would bring problems to the school, and she, in her position as the head of discipline, had to stand firm against him.

It would be a lie to say she wasn’t afraid, but she had no intention of backing down. More than being the head of discipline Committee, she detested the idea of losing to a man who went against her beliefs.

Yes. To that delinquent walking towards the main gate in the distance, losing was something she detested so much.

‘He’s here…’

Without realizing it, Hong Seol tensed her legs. Her gaze was already fixed on Lee Ji-woon. With a strong will that vowed never to back down, she tried to meet his eyes with a fiery gaze.

She must not lose. Relationships with people are most influenced by the first impression. Although it wasn’t the first day she saw him, since they hadn’t spent enough time to establish a clear hierarchy, she still thought it was an effective approach.

"Freshman Lee Ji-woon."

As Lee Ji-woon tried to pass by, Hong Seol blocked his path. Her long hair fluttered in the wind. Her arms were firmly crossed. And her eyes, filled with determination, seemed to show her resolve.

“Piercings. Earrings. And wearing casual clothes are violations of the school rules. I will have them confiscated immediately, so remove them all and go.”


At Hong Seol’s words, Lee Ji-woon’s eyes narrowed. He was a man with a fierce expression, just as he had been a week ago, leaving a strong impression. For a moment, even Hong Seol felt intimidated by his powerful presence.

Yet, even amidst this, Hong Seol bit her lip. She tried to muster her will, and that effort allowed her to keep standing in front of Lee Ji-woon.

She couldn’t lose to just this much. Compared to the hardships she would face in society, this was nothing—she bolstered herself with this baseless conjecture.

"Didn’t you hear me? Piercings. Earrings. Casual clothes. They’re all going to be confiscated!"


“If you won’t listen… then I’ll have to force you…!”


Hong Seol, who was about to forcefully remove Lee Ji-woon’s coat, was taken aback by his first response.

Lee Ji-woon compliantly took off his coat. Then, he began to detach each earring and piercing one by one, and calmly handed everything over to her.

“Uh… Uh… Uh…??”

“I’m sorry, senior. I will be careful next time.”

After a light bow, Lee Ji-woon passed by Hong Seol and began heading towards the classroom.

Pretending not to notice the head of discipline Committee, who was shaking off her usual icy image, with her pupils shaking and her body trembling.


Behind him, only the cry of a woman full of bewilderment could be heard.





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