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Episode 66: The King of the Underworld is Tired

The King of the Underworld is Tired

Episode 66: The Story of Persephone – (1)

It had been a long time since I had spread mint-based foods to the mortal world after creating them with Mente.

Fortunately, it seemed to have worked, as the ferryman Charon really liked them.

Shall I take a moment to observe the reactions in the mortal world?

Thebes has changed so much that it’s almost like my own domain now.

It’s similar to how Athena is worshipped in Athens.

The worshippers of Dionysus have dwindled, being pushed out by mine, becoming a minority…

Maybe it’s because word has spread that committing crimes in pursuit of freedom and indulgence would lead to judgment in the underworld?

If I listen closely for a moment, I can hear the conversations of the people of Thebes.

Near my temple, if I listen to the voices talking about mint…

“We should adjust the amount of mint used in funerals.”

“We could eat the plant blessed by Pluto, right?”

“It grows well even with just water. How about mass cultivating it?”

“The main use is as an herb or spice, so I don’t know if we need to grow it in bulk…”

“Hey, priest! I heard you have to eat mint to become a priest of Pluto. Is that true?”

“Hahaha! It’s true that mint is Pluto’s symbol. But do you know what he said in his oracle?”

“An oracle? What did he say?”

“He said that since everyone has different preferences, do not discriminate against those who dislike his symbol.”

“Wow! So, I can still become a priest even if I don’t like mint!”

As the fact that many foods can be made with mint, such as mint tea and mint mixed with honey, became known in the mortal world, the amount of mint used in funerals decreased.

I looked at the progress of mint food propagation summarized in the parchment and spoke to Mente.

She stood there with a slightly nervous expression. Well, this parchment was her work after all…

“Mente, you’ve gotten used to writing reports by now.”

“Really? I’ve been writing them every day… hehe…”

Even Mente, who had been clumsy with underworld matters, is now visibly getting the hang of things.

At this rate, I can start giving her more tasks.

As I raised my head with a satisfied smile…

I met Mente’s eyes, and she was beaming as if something good had happened.

“Lord Hades, now that mint foods have spread widely in the mortal world… um… about the reward you mentioned last time…”

Hmm. That’s right. I had made a promise to her.

I had promised that if she completed this task well, I’d take her with me when I patrolled near Mount Etna.

“You said it was just with me…”

“Yes. Since you’ve been doing well with your tasks lately, let’s go together.”

“Wow! Thank you!”


Wait, hold on, don’t just suddenly hug me like that.


The refreshing scent of mint from the mint goddess clinging to me tickled the tip of my nose.

* * *

Together with Mente, we ventured into the mortal world.

Soon, we arrived near Mount Etna.

As expected, we were greeted by vast grasslands, animals, and many nymphs.

I drove the chariot pulled by spectral horses around Mount Etna to inspect Typhon’s condition.

While I was enjoying the scenery, I saw Mente waving toward a forest not too far away.

“Oh! Delias! Iphigenia!”


“They said you became Hades’ priest…”

“No, didn’t they say she’s a goddess now?”

There were some Naiads, who had been nymphs like Mente, playing there.

They seemed happy to see Mente, but when their eyes met mine as I sat in the chariot…


“Mente became a minor god of the underworld… so, could it be…”

“Black hair, black eyes, spectral horses… the lord of the underworld?”

Their faces turned pale in an instant, and they hurriedly knelt before me.

Seeing them unable to leave made me sigh.

I haven’t done anything, and they’re already afraid.

Well, who would welcome the underworld… Mente must be the exception, seeing as she asked me out on our first meeting.

“Mente, I’ll go look around elsewhere. You can go play with your friends.”

“Ugh… Yes, thank you. They all have such strong prejudices…”

Seeing Mente jump off the chariot and run to her friends while teary-eyed, I left the scene.

I’ll come back for her in a little while.

“Mente, aren’t you scared?!”

“A minor god of the underworld…”

“Becoming a god is something to celebrate, but the underworld…”

“Eek… but the underworld is nice too!”

I can hear everything, even from there…

After some time passed, I headed back to where Mente had disembarked.

By now, she should’ve had enough time to catch up with her friends.

Sure enough, there she was, waiting for me.

“Sigh… I think everyone has too many prejudices about the underworld…”

“There’s no helping it. It’s the final destination of mortals and the world of the dead.”

Seeing Mente, who had spent so much time in the mortal world, now speaking about the underworld with a gloomy face made me laugh.

She’s become quite the underworld resident now.

“Once you experience the underworld, it’s actually quite fun. At this point, even the souls look cute to me, you know?”

“Haha… Maybe it’s because you’re a peculiar nymph?”

“What? I’m just an ordinary Naiad! And now I’m a god!”

“The way I see you, you’re still that weird nymph from back then.”

“Ugh… I’m not weird…”

What are you talking about? Where would you find another nymph like you?

What kind of crazy nymph would want to spend time with the lord of the underworld?

As I reminisced about those memories, smiling while looking back at her…


A strange feeling washed over me.

This odd sensation… from the north. A flow of power, with many moving quickly.

It’s not just one or two. There are at least hundreds.

Not human, not nymph, not gods…

"Lord Hades?!"


I increased my divine power even more, the power I had suppressed while coming to the mortal world.

The surrounding plants and animals began to die, and the Dryads, the tree spirits, screamed, but there was no helping it.

I extended my hand, searching thoroughly.

Many presences moving from deep underground…


This feeling, without a doubt, was Gigantes.

The hateful enemies of us gods.

And there were at least hundreds of them, launching an attack.

Why would they appear here, and not in Olympus or one of the major human cities?

Ah. I see.

This is Mount Etna, the place where Typhon’s body is buried.

If Gaia were to dig up the mountain and get hold of Typhon’s powerful body,

she could stir up a lot of trouble.

She could summon Typhon’s consciousness from Tartarus, or use the body as a sacrifice to create another monster…

In the worst-case scenario, Typhon could be resurrected…

Even in the best-case scenario, the body could go on a rampage and cause severe damage.

If most of the Olympian gods didn’t intervene, the unleashed body would devastate the surroundings.

“Lord Hades? What’s happening…?”

“The Gigantes have launched an attack. Return to the Underworld, Mente.”

Was this the single strike Prometheus had spoken of?

Indeed, if Typhon’s body were stolen, it would be an enormous loss for the gods.

“No matter how well you prepare… the gods will inevitably be struck by Gaia’s blow, even if I warn you in advance.”

“Are you saying we’re bound to be hit at least once?”

“Of course. It’ll be quite a painful blow to your plans.”

But Prometheus, I believe your prophecy will be wrong this time.

Because I, Hades, am here.

* * *

The mint goddess, Mente, was in high spirits.

She had successfully carried out Hades' command to spread mint foods in the mortal world, and

he had kept his promise to take her on patrol around Mount Etna.

She had also reconnected with other nymph friends she was close to in the mortal world…

Now, she was looking forward to spending some quality time with the handsome Lord Hades.

She had always been afraid of making a move, with Lady Styx and Lady Lethe’s watchful eyes looming over her,

but now they were alone in the mortal world, and today, she would finally show him her charm!

…Or so Mente thought.


Hades, who had been smiling kindly (?) at her, suddenly hardened his expression, a deep silence overtaking him.

Black divine energy slowly began to leak from his body.

“Lord Hades?!”

Sensing something strange, he extended his right hand and drew forth his power.

The overwhelming strength of one of the three gods was unleashed, and the surrounding plants and animals perished.

It was a side of him that did not match the merciful god who usually suppressed his power for the sake of the living.

What on earth was going on? Why was he…


The power Hades drew upon grew stronger and stronger, little by little… more… and more…

Could the combined strength of all the underworld’s gods even match the sheer pressure he was radiating right now?

Whinny! Snort—

As if reflecting his emotions, the ghostly horses’ eyes glowed with blue ghost fire, and the flames of the underworld erupted from their hooves.

The spirits, baring their sharp teeth in cold grins, seemed to be eagerly anticipating the imminent slaughter.

The chariot, which had seemed ordinary until just moments ago, now radiated a chilling aura, with the screams of the dead etched into its surface.

Before she knew it, the chariot had transformed into a dreadful sight befitting the lord of the underworld.

Watching Hades gradually become enveloped in a black aura, she began to tremble with fear.

“Lord Hades? Is something wrong…?”

“The Gigantes have launched an attack. Return to the Underworld, Mente.”


The enemies that Hades and the other gods of the underworld had been so wary of.

According to the prophecy, without the help of mortal heroes, the gods would be unable to defeat these monsters.

Shouldn’t she, now a god herself, fight alongside Hades?

How could he face such dangerous enemies on his own?

“Lord Hades… I, I can fight too…”

A thick hand gently stroked the goddess’s long hair.

Eyes as dark as the abyss, with no end in sight.

Unlike before, when he had always seemed troubled and hesitant about physical contact with her,

he now wore a cold smile and whispered quietly into her ear.

“It’s an order, mint goddess.”

The usual merciful god, Pluto, who cared for the unjust dead and remained unruffled even by blasphemy, was nowhere to be seen.

Standing before her now was the terrifying king of the underworld, Hades, whom all feared.

“Yes… I’ll summon the other gods. Please, be careful.”

Mente couldn’t possibly disobey his command.



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