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Episode 8: A face genius is good at soccer

A face genius is good at soccer

Episode 8: The Crazy Girl (3)

“Hah... Hah... Are you sure this is your first time?”

Ji-kyung noona barely managed to hold onto the shower door handle as she glared at me.

“I feel like there's a gaping hole down there. I can't feel anything.”

“…Are you okay?”

“Do I look okay? I told you to take it slow, but you didn’t listen. How can someone who's doing it for the first time be like this?”

Maybe I overdid it.

I ignored noona's struggles and kept going. By the end, she couldn’t even make a sound, just trembling all over. I was so startled that I couldn't even finish.

“Must be because you're a soccer player, huh? You’ve got some stamina.”

“Not all soccer players are like that, you know?”

“How would you know, noona?”

“How would I know? Because I’ve tried it, obviously.”

Her nonchalant answer made me feel a bit down.

This was my first time.

“Help me out here.”

As I helped her wash up, my son, who hadn’t finished, kept poking noona without any sense.

“What the hell is this? Don’t tell me you're still…?”

“Noona, let's go one more round.”

“That’s already the third time!!”

Ignoring her shock, I gently lifted one of her legs and wrapped it around my waist.

“W-Wait! I can’t take it anymore!!”

After laying half-dazed noona down on the bed, I lay beside her, feeling a pleasant, lingering sense of exhaustion.

Ah~ So this is the afterglow of sex.

Even though she had been protesting earlier, after a few thrusts, noona was all "heuuung~", so I happily kept going until my back ached.

While fondling Ji-kyung noona’s chest as she slept soundly, I eagerly opened the status window, and messages flooded in.

<Virgin Breakthrough!!>

—To celebrate your first time! Gain rate increased by 300%!

<Unfinished Business>

—A less-than-satisfying encounter! Gain rate decreased by 40%!

<Conquest of a Slut!>

—Easy girl conquered! Gain rate decreased by 40%!

What the hell is this?

How many points did I get?


 [Skills]         [Mind]          [Body]

Ball Control 062 | Vision 046 | Acceleration 059

Dribbling 055 | Anticipation 044 | Speed 063

Trapping 057 | Judgement 042 | Balance 056

Short Pass 048 | Focus 056 | Agility 059

Long Pass 041 | Off the Ball 047 | Reaction 079

Shooting 045 | Marking 038 | Power 054

Free Kick 042 | Calmness 052 | Jump 046

Header 038 | Leadership 040 | Stamina 047

Tackle 032 | Teamwork 039 | Recovery 065


Genius 046 | Charm 095 | Intelligence 028

[Height: 175cm | Weight: 63kg]

[Points Available] 6P

I got points!

I finally got some points!!

As expected, the answer was sex!!

The phrase “just looking at it makes you feel full” must feel like this.

I only had a moment to relish the points before my gaze shifted back to the event messages.

‘Triple points for the first time. That’s great. But what the hell are “Unfinished Business” and “Conquest of a Slut?” Losing 40% each??’

What kind of scam is this!!?

I want to see the manager!!

The status window didn’t respond.

* * *

While training, my mind wandered to other thoughts.

Sex. More sex. Even more sex!

How can I have sex again?

Not because I just wanted to, but to seriously improve my soccer skills. As I pondered this, the coach called me over.

“Hong Min-jun.”

“Yes, Coach!”

“I’m not putting you in tomorrow’s game. You’ve already shown enough skill, so it’s time to let others play. Don’t you agree?”

“You’re right!”

As a player, it’s natural to want to participate in every game, but the lineup is the coach's prerogative. Given the reason, I couldn’t argue.

“And for the next game, and the one after that, you’ll be on the bench too.”


What kind of nonsense is this?

Was I that bad? No way.

“So, until the league starts, focus on getting into peak form. You’ll be in the starting lineup for the opening game. Got it?”

“Yes, sir!!”

Hell yeah!

That means I’m a confirmed starter.

I must have really impressed him during the games.

After the first friendly match, even though I didn’t stand out much in training, the coach was willing to overlook that because I’m a game-day player.

We finished the friendlies and wrapped up training camp.

University classes started, and the following week was the opening of the university league.

Now, I only had two weeks left.

Two weeks to have sex— I mean, to boost my stats.

‘What should I do? With just 6 points… I won’t be able to perform as well as I did in the friendlies.’

6 points.

That’s not enough. Even if I maxed out a single stat, it wouldn’t be enough. It’s not like increasing just one stat will do the trick.

Even during the friendly match, I temporarily raised three stats by 10 points each.

That’s a whopping 30-point increase, which led to my impressive performance, but I had to be subbed out not long after the second half started due to exhaustion.

My stamina, which is below average even by high school league standards, needs to improve. To maintain my previous performance, I’ll need to add 10 points each to dribbling, ball control, and acceleration, for a total of 30 points. And are those the only stats? No, there are many more that need to be increased.

I don’t know what the stat cap is, but I need to max out everything. At this rate, when will I ever accumulate enough points?

Sigh… As I racked my brain, I suddenly thought about my first experience.

The sensation, the texture, the feeling against my… you know.

Ah… While it wasn’t completely satisfying, it was incomparable to doing it alone.

Should I contact Ji-kyung noona?

We’ve been in touch since then.

Even though she whined about how she almost died, the next day, she was raving about how good it was, saying it was the best she’s ever had.

But noona is also a university student. And since she goes to a different university, Jijang University, which is a bit far from Hojin University, it’s hard to meet up. Neither of us has a car.

Maybe I should try contacting her anyway?

"If I tell her to come, she probably will."

I sent the message and was browsing the internet news to kill time when it happened.

“Current K-League Player, Turns Out to be a Total Criminal Package?”

I was scrolling through the sports section when I saw this clickbait headline prominently displayed on the main page.

"Oh, I can't resist this one. Who messed up this time? Did someone get caught drunk driving again?"


At the top of the article, there was a photo of a man with a mosaic blur over his face.

Although the image was blurred, anyone who knew him could easily recognize him, like those barely blurred-out mosaics in certain videos where, if you focus, you can still make everything out. It was someone I knew.

"It's Kim Sang-shik!"

He was a senior from our school and currently a K-League player.

He was also a famous up-and-coming player expected to have a bright future.

The article blatantly mentioned “a young K-League player strongly rumored to be heading to Europe,” so it was pretty much confirmed. Among the current K-League players, the only one with rumors about moving to Europe was Kim Sang-shik. The soccer community was also flooded with posts about him.

"What the heck did this guy do?"

As I carefully read through the details, it turned out that the problem wasn't him but his family.

The first article was from four days ago, about his mother's abuse, verbal harassment, and assault.

His mother, who held a position in an agency set up by his father, was accused of habitual abuse, verbal harassment, and physical assault against employees.

Barely a day after that, allegations of his father’s embezzlement and tax evasion surfaced.

At first, it was just a rumor, but as the day went by, evidence started popping up, and there were even testimonies that he used that money for illegal gambling trips abroad.

This was turning into a never-ending mess.

The final nail in the coffin came this morning. Kim Sang-shik himself got caught drunk driving and completely blew up his career.

“Ah, damn it. I thought having a promising K-League player as a direct senior would be a good connection, but now this mess. Am I going to suffer from the same stigma just because we went to the same school?”

As I frustratingly scrolled through the comments, I received a call from an unknown number.

Who could this be?


—Where are you?

What the hell? Who starts off with that kind of tone?

“Who is this?”

—What? You don't recognize me?

A young woman’s voice.

It was a low, husky voice, one that exuded sexiness. I’d heard this voice before... but where?

"Oh! The crazy one!?"

—What? Crazy!?

I remembered now.

That rude, pretty girl!

“Isn’t this that girl who was... doing something weird in the locker room!?”

—I told you, that wasn’t what it looked like!!

“You thief!!”

—W-what? A thief? Me??

Her voice sounded bewildered, but I wasn’t going to be fooled this time.

I had her now, this thief.

“What about my phone!! You said you’d buy me a new iPhone!! You promised to replace it with the latest model!!”


I could hear a faint sigh through the phone.

No way... is she going to ghost me?

—Sigh… was it just about that?

“Just about that? Do you even know how expensive that phone is? Money doesn’t grow on trees, you know!”

—You’re so noisy.

“You’re busted now. Just wait, I’m calling the police right now.”


“What? Getting scared now?”

She fell silent for a moment.

What’s going on? Did she hang up? Doesn’t seem like it.

And then, my phone vibrated.

—Check what I sent you.

Curious, I minimized the call screen and saw that I had received a message.

Did she add me as a friend that fast?

Without thinking, I opened the chat, only to find a single picture.

It was a photo of me and her together.

"...What is this? This looks like..."

—Doesn't it look like you're assaulting me?

It was a picture where it looked like I was aggressively groping her chest.

“Hey~ stop messing around.”

—Messing around?

“…Please don’t joke like that.”

—A joke?

“…Um, look, it's fine if you don’t buy me the phone.”

—Come to the Starbucks in front of your school.

“W-why should I? I don’t want to.”

I heard a scoff from the other end of the phone.

—You want me to start a #MeToo?

“I’ll be right there!!”



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