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Episode 10: A face genius is good at soccer

A face genius is good at soccer

Episode 10: Two People Watching the Opening Match (1)

I almost fell for those completely innocent-looking eyes.

No, wait. This woman is a pervert who sneaks into the men's locker room to sniff uniforms while masturbating. There's no way someone like her could be a virgin.

If she were ugly, maybe it would make sense.

But a girl this pretty, a girl who looks like guys would be lining up to follow her just by walking down the street, and on top of that, a pervert with a smell fetish? A virgin? 

What does that even mean?

Is she some kind of virgin witch or something?

"What are you lying about now?"


"Are you just opening your mouth to lie, you bitch?"

Claiming to be a virgin… of all things…!

How dare she crush the pure, unicorn-like love I briefly held! I will never forgive her for this…!!

An uncontrollable rage surged from deep within my gut and spread throughout my body, finally bursting out through my arm.


Impulsively, I threw the coffee she had been drinking right in her face.


"...Oh. Sorry."

Maybe that was a bit much.

Coffee dripped from her face, falling into her slightly parted lips.

And yet… how could she still look this beautiful…?

"Oh my gosh, what just happened? A guy threw coffee at a girl's face."

"Whoa, what the hell? That guy's insane."

"Isn't he a total jerk? How could he throw coffee in someone's face?"

Hearing the murmurs around me, I glanced around and noticed that everyone in the café was staring in our direction.


I forgot where we were.

Ever since my attractiveness hit 95, I'd become aware of the changes in how people looked at me. It was enough to make me realize what living as a "god-tier" handsome guy really felt like.

And this crazy woman, regardless of how messed up she might be inside, looked perfectly fine on the outside. No, calling her merely fine would be an understatement—she was stunning, to the point where her appearance alone could be described as top-tier.

Even just one exceptionally attractive man or woman would draw attention, but the two of us together? And we were arguing? 

Oh, no one could resist watching that.

Even I would sneak a glance if it wasn’t me involved.

And to top it all off, the guy was standing up, and the girl was sitting down, getting coffee thrown at her… Damn it, if this wasn’t happening to me, it’d be a hilarious situation to watch.

Panicking, I grabbed some disposable tissues and started wiping her face.

Why? Why wasn’t she reacting? Did the coffee knock her senses out of her?

After quickly wiping the face of this crazy woman, who was staring at me with a blank expression and mouth slightly open, I said,

"Anyway, I’m really sorry… Let’s not see each other again."

And with that, I left Starbucks in a hurry.

* * *

After completing my personal training, I continued my routine of meeting Ji-kyung every night.

Contrary to my worries, I hadn't received any contact from that crazy woman, and with the regular sex and smoothly accumulating points, I’d been having quite satisfying days. But lately, I’ve been troubled by two things.

‘How should I allocate my points to make the best use of them?’

The first concern was point distribution.

I’d accumulated 17 points from regularly fucking Ji-kyung, and with the league opener just around the corner, I couldn’t delay it any longer.

The fact that the coach was starting me in the opening match meant that he considered me one of the best 11 players. But the coach was likely basing this on my temporary "doping" performance when I had 30 event points.

But what if I don’t show the same performance in the league?

Unless I raise my stats, my skill won’t change, so I can't blame it on my condition. Even if I get a pass the first time, if I fail to perform for two or three consecutive games, wouldn’t they think my previous performance was just a fluke?

On top of that, as a freshman who just joined the team, if I don’t show exceptional skill, I’ll be benched without mercy.

‘I can’t let that happen.’

I don’t plan to stay in the college league for long.

If I were an ordinary player, it might be different, but with the status window at my disposal, if I’m struggling in the college league, I’d be a complete idiot.

And now, the day before the league opener.

It’s time to distribute the points I’ve saved up, but…

‘I don’t have enough points.’

The second issue was that I had too few points.

Even in the first friendly match, I had 30 points temporarily, which allowed me to perform well. But with only 17 points now? That’s far too few.

In the past week…

Despite Ji-kyung whining about how exhausting it was and saying she couldn’t do it, I’d pushed her to have sex every day, resulting in the 17 points.

…Well, despite crying about how tired and sore she was, after we started, Ji-kyung would end up moaning in pleasure. But now that she couldn’t handle it anymore, even gathering points had become difficult.

I didn’t realize it before, but apparently, I have a pretty strong sex drive.

It takes at least 3 or 4 rounds for me to feel satisfied. I haven’t hit my limit yet, but I think I could probably go 5 or 6 rounds.

At this point, am I some kind of beast?

Her cheeks had become sunken, and dark circles hung under her eyes like a panda's. She told me she'd met plenty of men before, but never a beast like me.

But more than Ji-Kyung noona being unable to keep up, the bigger problem was that points didn't just accumulate from doing it frequently or a lot.

Debuffs like "Sloppy Play" or "Unfinished Business" cut down my point gain by more than half, and as time went on, more strange debuffs like "<Unattractive Partner>" and "<Boring Sex>" started showing up.

Yesterday, even though I kept going until Ji-Kyung noona passed out, I only managed to get 1 point.

"So, to earn points, I need to have satisfying sex with an attractive woman."

This ultimately meant I had to find a new partner.

After all, a new woman is always attractive to a man.

Well, I don't really feel that sorry for Ji-Kyung noona.

Maybe it's because our relationship started as a one-night stand, but there's no particular affection there.

I started worrying that I might never settle down with one woman and constantly wander in search of a new one… but then I realized, that's not really a problem.

"Soccer players are always surrounded by scandals anyway."

Soccer players are a popular profession among women, and if I make it to the international leagues, women throwing themselves at me would be an everyday occurrence.

And it's not like my charm is anything average.

I chuckled to myself but quickly snapped back to reality.

"…What does it matter? I don't even have a girl right now."

I can't rely on Ji-Kyung noona anymore.

It's not just about the points; she can't keep up. After being pestered every day and having her eyes roll back in pleasure each time we did it, she was now at a point where she had become physically exhausted, losing weight in the process.

And, more importantly… I'm no longer interested.

After having my fill, she's just not that attractive to me anymore.

To be honest, I'm tired of her.

"Ugh. Am I being too much of an asshole?"

I scratched my head, but what could I do?

I was being honest.

Even Ji-Kyung noona herself had shouted at me to stop bothering her and find a new woman.

So, I need to find a new partner, have lots of sex, and earn lots of points… but with whom?

I scrolled through my contacts list again, but doing so didn’t make any new girls magically appear.

Ugh, forget it. I'll just go to sleep.

"Ah! But first, let me distribute my points."


【Skills】 【Mental】 【Physical】

Skill Moves 067(▲5)|Vision 046|Acceleration 062(▲3)

Dribbling 060(▲5) |Anticipation 044|Speed 067(▲4)

Trapping 057 |Decision-making 042|Balance 056

Short Pass 048 |Focus 056 |Agility 059

Long Pass 041 |Off-the-Ball 047 |Reflexes 079

Shooting 045 |Space Marking 038|Power 054

Free Kick 042 |Calmness 052 |Jumping 046

Header 038 |Leadership 040 |Stamina 053

Tackle 032 |Teamwork 039 |Recovery 065


Genius 046 |Charm 095 |Intelligence 028

【Height: 175cm |Weight: 63kg】

【Points Available: 0P】


It took me over a week to collect 17 points, but distributing them took no time at all.

The strategy was the same as before: maximize my strengths.

When I thought back to the time I used event points, I remembered how effective that was, and there's no way I can show a completely different playing style now.

I invested 5 points each in Skill Moves and Dribbling, and 3 and 4 points in speed-related stats. Just like that, the points vanished like sugar dissolved in water.

I couldn't help but feel disappointed, but there was nothing else I could do.

I'll just have to hold out until I find a new sex partner.


The day of the opening game.

Since it was a home game, I just had to head to school as usual.

"Today is the opening game. It's the start of the league."

Gathering the players, the coach slowly started speaking in front of the tactics board.

"As you all know, every game is crucial for you. Do you guys want to end your soccer careers here in the college league?"

"No, sir!!"

"Exactly. At the very least, you want to make it to the pros. Don’t you want to play on well-maintained natural grass fields instead of this artificial turf? Don’t you want to hear home fans cheering for you by the thousands? Isn’t that what makes it all worthwhile?"

The players, who had been either excited or nervous about the opening game, fell silent.

The college league.

If you've been playing soccer since elementary school… no, even earlier, and you’ve made it through middle school, high school, and all the way to this point, you’ve essentially dedicated your life to soccer.

For all soccer players, the realistic dream is to "turn pro," and the college league is essentially the last opportunity to achieve that dream.

The players stared at the coach with intense, determined eyes.

"Go out there and give it your all. Play like your life depends on it. Got it?"



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