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These lewd things are idols?: Episode 15

These lewd things are idols?

Episode: 15

Although I was aware that something was off, I had no idea how to deal with this problem child.

If I hadn't come, it seemed like Eun Hee-ju would have continued practicing until the next morning, and she boldly said to me with the clear-eyed gaze of a madman.

“It's okay. I haven’t done enough yet.”

“It's not okay at all. Stop.”

“Yes, Manager.”

Apparently, no one had even seen Eun Hee-ju show up at the company cafeteria.

“Did you eat?”

“Yes, I did.”

“Tell me exactly what you ate, without lying.”

“I drank water. There’s a water dispenser in the hallway, so I got by with that. If I went to the cafeteria, the bullying would get worse.”


Oh, my God.

Honestly, I used to think I was living an unfortunate life.

Or at least, I thought I wasn't living a happy life.

I mean, it’s possible to feel that way, right?

Isn’t South Korea ranked near the top in terms of unhappiness among OECD countries?

I had the right to think I was unhappy.

It’s not like I was born into wealthly family, had a pretty girlfriend, or had a great job.

But from now on, I vowed never to think like that again.

‘Damn it.’

In front of Eun Hee-ju, the idea of saying "I'm unhappy" or "I'm struggling" became shamefully embarrassing.

At the same time, I had originally intended to guide Eun Hee-ju well, but now I was determined to put even more effort into it.

Because if she succeeds, she could eventually get revenge on Jo Yuna, who is also going to debut as an idol.

“Whew. From what I've heard, even the Oasis girls and the trainers who were wandering around the practice rooms told you to stop, but you just pretended not to listen.”


A normal person wouldn't be able to respond so confidently with a "Yes" in this situation.

But Eun Hee-ju could.

“You told me to only listen to you, Manager.”


Honestly, this is a bit chilling.

I think I should be more careful with my words from now on.

Hee-ju… well, I can't undo what's been done, but for the next members who come in, I need to make sure they’re as normal as possible.


“Manager, you've sighed twice. Did I do something wrong?”

“Nah. It’s just that you…”

…didn’t receive proper family education.

…weren’t loved by your family, and realizing that hurts my heart for no reason.

“With all the effort you put in, you must have improved.”

“I’m not sure. Would you like to take a look?”

When I saw Eun Hee-ju trying to dance immediately after my words, I quickly stopped her.

“No, let's do it next time. There's no way your body is in normal condition right now.”

“I’m fine.”

“I said stop. Let’s go to the dorm.”

“Yes. Oh.”


As she followed me, seemingly unbothered, she suddenly collapsed after walking only a few steps. Seeing Eun Hee-ju fall like that, guilt washed over me.

I didn’t do anything wrong, though.

I had to recruit talents anyway since I couldn’t have Eun Hee-ju debut as a solo artist.

But still, seeing a girl who just turned 20 in this condition would make anyone, who isn’t a psychopath, feel sorry for her.

[……This is quite disturbing, even for a god who are observing.]

I nodded at Nobel’s words.

‘I didn’t know Eun Hee-ju was such a tough cookie. It’s honestly a bit creepy.’

[That’s not what I meant, but oh well.]

[No, it’s probably better that you don’t know, Master.]

If I’d had the time, I might have given Nobel's words more thought.

But right now, taking care of Eun Hee-ju came first.

“Tsk. Get on my back.”

“I’m sorry.”

“What are you sorry for? With how hard you’re working, what manager wouldn’t appreciate you? Everything I said was out of concern, so don’t misunderstand.”

“Yes. I’ll work harder.”

“……No, I mean, from now on, I’ll come by at what I think are appropriate times, so just know that.”

“Yes, Manager.”

I took Eun Hee-ju to the dorm and naturally found myself staying there once again tonight.

“It’s a bit late, but let’s eat something. Unlike the other girls, it seems like you don’t need much dietary management. Actually, I should probably feed you more. You need to gain some weight.”


“I’ll cook, so go wash up.”

“Yes, Manager.”

Since the basic things like a rice cooker were already there, I thought I might as well use the leftover chicken from yesterday to make chicken fried rice, but then I heard a thud near the bathroom.

“Oh, Manager. I think my legs just gave out a little.”

Eun Hee-ju looked at me with such innocent eyes.

“So what? You want me to wash you? Are you crazy?”

“I’m fine, though.”

Well, since I'll be having my way with her later anyway, I’m not too bothered by it.

“Whatever. Just crawl your way to the bathroom and wash up by yourself.”


I wasn’t in the mood for that yet.

I’ll think about it after she puts on some weight.

Besides, how could I possibly have my way with someone who's worked so hard that she can’t even stand on her own two feet?

[Well, perhaps having your way with her might not be such a bad idea.]

Because having sex will help her recover physically?

I guess that’s true, but…

She might be mentally traumatized too, you know.

Nobel responded with the same answer as always.

[Well, who knows?]

* * *

Unlike humans, who can only view things from a one-dimensional perspective, the godly AI, Nobel, could process all information in existence.

Right now, she was observing the apartment, the New Bud Apartment, where Kim Hyun-woo and Eun Hee-ju were staying.


As soon as the bathroom door closed, Eun Hee-ju, who had previously collapsed, got up as if nothing had happened, causing even the godly AI, Nobel, to shudder in discomfort.

[I might have meddled too much in the destiny of someone truly terrifying.]

Nobel knew that everything Eun Hee-ju had done was calculated to ensure that Kim Hyun-woo would focus entirely on her.

* * *

Steam was rising from the chicken fried rice as I placed it in front of Eun Hee-ju.

“Ah. Thank you. I’ll enjoy this, Team Manager.”

“Yeah. Eat up….”


“Look at this! You can’t even hold a spoon properly. What part of this is ‘taking it easy?"

“I’m sorry.”

“No, I’m the one who should be sorry. I must have put too much pressure on you. You don’t need to overdo it. I guarantee it. You’re going to succeed no matter what. Got it?”


“Give me the spoon.”

“Thank you.”

When I scooped up a bite and fed it to her, she chewed it well.

This side of her is kind of cute.

She’s like a little kid.

Even though it’s only been a day, maybe because she went to the dermatologist and had her makeup done, she’s starting to look a bit more beautiful.

“That’s why they say looks can be deceiving.”

It’s amazing how just makeup and a hairstyle can completely change someone’s appearance.

She looked so adorable that I felt like teasing her a bit.

“Vrooom, vroom! The airplane’s coming in.”

“Ah. Thank you.”

“...Can you at least smile? It’s embarrassing if I’m the only one acting silly here.”

“Ah. Yes.”

At my words, Eun Hee-ju gave me a small smile.

But that smile was different from the one she gave Jo Yuna earlier; it was the same one she showed when I touched her face earlier, leaving me momentarily speechless.

It was an incredibly charming smile.

The kind of smile befitting an idol.


I quickly changed the subject when I found myself at a loss for words.

“Does it taste good?”

“Yes. I feel like I could live off just this forever.”

“I’m honestly scared that you might actually do that, so I don’t know what to say. After you finish eating, try brushing your teeth, and then come to my room for a bit.”

At that moment, Eun Hee-ju flinched slightly, trembling.

Seeing this, I hurriedly added to my previous statement.

“I’m not going to pounce on you, okay? Just make sure you put on the pajamas I bought for you.”




It took almost three seconds for Eun Hee-ju to respond.

This girl seems really nervous.

‘Sigh, I wonder if I’ll ever be able to have my way with Eun Hee-ju at this rate.’

Han Hye-eun had a bit of a fierce side, so I could see it happening with her.

But Eun Hee-ju is just too innocent.

“Team Manager, I’m here.”

“Oh, you’re here.”

I had the first aid kit ready, and when Eun Hee-ju came into my room wearing her cute sky-blue pajamas with a hippo design, she knelt down in front of me.

“Roll up your shirt.”


At my words, Eun Hee-ju lifted her shirt all the way up to reveal not just her navel, but even below her chest.

“Hey, hey!! You don’t need to pull it up that far.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“Damn, that scared me.”

“I’m sorry.”

Why am I acting like this?

I’m going to have my way with her eventually, so why is my heart racing over just catching a glimpse of her navel and chest?

[...If nothing else, Eun Hee-ju might be able to debut as an actress right away.]

‘What are you talking about? She’s terrible at singing and dancing. Do you think becoming an actress is that easy?’

[Well, I don’t know.]

From my perspective, I think she’ll need at least six months of training.

But since there’s a lot to prepare for her debut, she’ll need that much time anyway.

I carefully applied ointment to the places that were swollen and red.


“Don’t make weird noises.”



“It’s cold, sorry. I’ll try to hold it in.”

“This is the last one.”


Was that supposed to be a moan? Her soft exhale was strangely erotic.

“Thank you, Team Manager.”

Eun Hee-ju bowed her head and stared at me blankly.

“I’ve applied all the ointment, so go to your room and get some sleep.”



Seriously, she’s like a robot. She only moves when I give her a command.

What am I supposed to do with her?






This time, she tilted her head.

The smile she had while eating earlier was nowhere to be seen, replaced by an awkward, forced grin.

It looked like someone was just pulling her mouth up at the corners.

“That’s strange, really.”

I sighed softly. I knew that if I left her like this, she would practice with that expressionless face all day again.

I decided to give her a day off and said to Eun Hee-ju:

“You need to go on a date with me tomorrow.”


Though I called it a date, I was actually planning to take her to Daehangno to watch a few plays.

Watching dramas and learning from them is good, but it’s even better to immerse yourself in the emotions by watching live performances on stage.

It was at a university theater in Daehangno that I first visited to understand actors as a manager.


The next morning.

Eun Hee-ju stood before me, wearing a school uniform.

“What is this?”

“Ah, it seemed like the best outfit I had.”

“What are you talking about? I bought you clothes, didn’t I?”

“Which ones?”

“Do you expect me to pick them out for you?”

“I’m fine like this, though.”

I flicked her forehead and ended up going into her room to pick out a new set of clothes for her.

Then Eun Hee-ju subtly handed them back to me.

“Are you going to dress me?”

“When did I ever say that? Hurry up and change.”


A little while later, she came out wearing the clothes I had chosen for her, and I couldn’t help but nod in approval.

Clothes make the woman.

With a bit of makeup, she was starting to look prettier.

She seemed to have reached at least an A-grade level of beauty. It was amazing how quickly someone could become beautiful.

She was already a pretty girl; she just hadn’t shown it to the world until now.

Daehangno Play

The best day to watch a play? That’s today.

I hadn’t planned to watch a specific play, so I just bought tickets for any show and waited for it to start.

But Eun Hee-ju kept wobbling beside me.

“Did you overdo it yesterday?”

“Sorry? Oh, no, that’s not it. I just feel like I didn’t sleep well.”

“How could you not sleep after moving around so much? I would’ve fallen asleep as soon as I hit the bed.”

“Maybe it’s because it’s my first time watching a play. I’m excited.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it.

Just then, a woman passed by in front of me.

She was strikingly beautiful, but you could tell she had a bad personality just by looking at her.

More importantly…

[Lee Da-young, S+]

I found another one.

“Ah! Excuse me—damn.”

I was about to speak to her, but she slipped into the performer’s waiting room before I could, so I stopped.

‘Well, she’s obviously one of the actors in the play I just booked tickets for. I can talk to her after the show.’

Thinking that, I decided to take care of Eun Hee-ju first. I turned to her and asked,

“Huh? You woke up already?”


Eun Hee-ju answered in a rather cold voice.

“I’m awake.”


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