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These lewd things are idols?: Episode 8

These lewd things are idols?

Episode: 8

The drama was successfully completed.

Furthermore, she regained her lost popularity and felt satisfied with her own acting.

Lastly, she even completely relieved the sexual frustration that had been bothering her.

Three advertisements came in, which was quite unusual for an extra, and now she was thriving in the company.

Han Hye-eun, who had regained her confidence, was like a tank.

Despite all this.

“I watched the drama.”

It was a calm and indifferent remark, but Han Hye-eun felt her throat go dry and answered cautiously.

“Thank you, CEO.”

CEO Chun Tae-oh.

Just facing the CEO of a management company showed that it wasn't a job for just anyone. It felt suffocating just being in his presence.

Even with a kind smile, he felt much more imposing than any ordinary gangster.

This was their first contact and meal together in a long time, and Han Hye-eun was both happy and extremely nervous.

‘Yeah, we used to have meals together often when my first project was a hit.’

When did these occasions stop so abruptly?

As she was lost in various thoughts, Chun Tae-oh’s heavy voice rang in her ears.

“Seems like you’ve come out of your slump.”

He poured himself a shot of distilled liquor.

And poured water for Han Hye-eun.

“Oh, I can do it myself.”

“No, no, just relax.”


Out of her slump, he said.

Those simple words were not light at all for Han Hye-eun.

Chun Tae-oh had already concluded that her downturn was a slump.

While she couldn’t completely deny it, it still felt like all the efforts she had made up to that point were being negated.

‘But to be sitting here face to face with the CEO again, it seems...’

She must have reached at least close to the steps she had climbed before.




“Do you know why I called you here?”

“Well... I’m not sure.”

Han Hye-eun kept sipping her water nervously, barely glancing at the table full of beef, and met Chun Tae-oh’s eyes.

His kind gaze was terrifying.

It made Kim Hyun-woo’s rough behavior, with his blatant cursing, seem almost preferable in comparison.

An overwhelming ambition? A beast-like desire?

That’s what it felt like.

Yeah, to be a CEO, you need that kind of desire.

“You fell once, quite hard. To the point where you might not have been able to get back up.”


Those were the words Han Hye-eun never wanted to hear.

If an ordinary employee had said that, she might have exploded on the spot.

It was a sensitive topic.

However, since it was CEO Chun Tae-oh who said it, Han Hye-eun could only give a brief reply.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“You’ve managed to climb back up, but I’m worried you might fall again. That’s why I wanted to see you.”


“You’re not just a kid anymore. I trust you understand what I’m saying.”

“I do...”

“Yeah, you’re not a kid. You can meet men and all.”


“Meeting someone is fine.”

She wondered if he knew about her relationship with Kim Hyun-woo.

“Honestly, you can do whatever you want. Just don’t let anyone else find out. Watching the recent scandal unfold made me realize...”

The recent scandal?

Ah, maybe he was talking about Minimum's Stella.

The rumor about her getting into a legend member's car with a condom in hand...

“I wondered if I’ve been too lenient.”

It was then.


An analog-sounding ringtone.

As the CEO of an entertainment agency, you’d think he’d set his ringtone to one of his company’s singers or idols.

But the ringtone didn’t give off that vibe at all.

It was as if he saw the people in his company merely as tools...

“Yes, this is CEO Chun.”

Whoever he was talking to.

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll handle it that way. Yes, don’t worry. Yes, I understand.”

One thing was clear: the person on the other end was someone more powerful and successful than Chun Tae-oh.

Otherwise, there was no way Chun Tae-oh’s eyes would turn so fierce during the call.

A vein stood out on the back of the hand holding his phone.

It was sexy yet chilling.

‘I should never cross this man.’

Even Team Leader Park Ju-yong seemed to become a meek child in front of Chun Tae-oh.

Park Ju-yong’s constant yelling was annoying but not scary.

But facing Chun Tae-oh again was terrifying.

No, he had become even scarier.

Running a company as a CEO had made him tougher than before.

“Ha ha, it seems like I’m only showing my bad side during our first meal together in a while.”

“No, it’s fine.”

“It was a call from AM. They want us to completely deny everything from our end, and they’ll handle their side. Though it’s easier said than done. Hm.”

Chun Tae-oh muttered softly.

“Stella, was it? I might have to meet her in person too.”

Every word Chun Tae-oh spoke sent chills down her spine.

Han Hye-eun couldn’t stand the suffocating atmosphere anymore and tried to change the subject.

“Um, CEO.”


“Aren’t you curious why I was able to get out of my slump recently?”

“Of course, I’m curious about anything related to you, Hye-eun.”

He lied without blinking an eye.

“It’s all thanks to one manager.”

To give Kim Hyun-woo some credit.


“Oh, really? You managed to get out of your slump and get back into shape thanks to a single manager? Does that mean the previous managers, including those who handled other celebrities, were the problem?”

“No, it’s not that. It’s just that my current manager, Kim Hyun-woo, is exceptionally good, and we kind of click well.”

To be precise, they had great sexual chemistry.

By laying the groundwork like this, even if Chun Tae-oh found out that she and Kim Hyun-woo were sleeping together, he would likely let it slide as long as they weren’t caught.

Anyway, the reason she brought up Kim Hyun-woo’s name in this setting was simple.

“So, I was wondering if you could make Kim Hyun-woo my...”

She wanted to ask him to make Kim Hyun-woo her dedicated manager.

She could have asked someone else, but if she mentioned it to Chun Tae-oh, it would be settled for sure.

Chun Tae-oh was the absolute king at N&P.

But then...

“Do you think the management industry is a joke? Does the entertainment industry look easy to you?”

A familiar voice was heard from just below the window.

It was Team Leader Park Ju-yong.

Of all times, now?

If she opened the window and looked down, she could see Park Ju-yong scolding someone.

And when Han Hye-eun saw who it was, she covered her mouth with one hand and muttered.

“Kim Hyun-woo... no, Manager?”

Chun Tae-oh smiled meaningfully.

“Hmm, is that the person? The one Hye-eun praises so highly.”

What he was saying was ludicrous.

Even someone as fond of Kim Hyun-woo as Han Hye-eun found it absurd.

The idea that a mere manager could form a new idol group and make N&P the best in South Korea.

‘What nonsense...’

Then, glancing to the side, Han Hye-eun felt a shiver run down her spine.

Chun Tae-oh was smiling broadly.

“He’s interesting, that guy.”

+ + +

Knowing that being a president or CEO of an organization was no easy task, this was my first close encounter with CEO Chun Tae-oh, and it was a shock.

People are all the same, right? All equal.

But seeing him, I realized humans could never be equal and never the same.

He seemed like a person from a different world.

“C-CEO. Wh-what do you mean by that, Sir?”

“Team Leader Park Ju-yong. Shh.”


“Am I talking to you right now?”

Despite his soft-spoken words, he silenced the ferocious Park Ju-yong instantly.

Then he approached me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

“Manager Kim Hyun-woo.”


I answered loudly, forgetting the sting on my cheek.

I couldn’t help it.

Tension made my body stiff, and my heart pounded.

But it wasn’t entirely a bad feeling.

Even though I found Chun Tae-oh intimidating, the idea that he might acknowledge me didn’t feel unpleasant.

After all, Chun Tae-oh was the one who had brought N&P to where it was now.

“How many years have you worked in this industry?”

“Over three years.”

“Then you should know the basics. Raising an idol group takes considerable investment.”


“But right now, unfortunately, the company’s financial situation isn’t great. We can’t afford much time or resources. Do you still think you can do it?”

Nobel answered for me.

[Isn’t that obvious?]

[I am the God-sent AI.]

Thanks to that, I could reply with 120% confidence.

“Yes, I can do it.”

“Impressive, that confidence. Seeing you so confident, I feel assured too. In that sense, I think I’ll invest in you.”

Park Ju-yong flinched as if having a seizure.

But Chun Tae-oh ignored him and asked.

“Is there any vacant space in the company?”


Even if there wasn’t, he would have to make one.

It was an order from the CEO.

“...Yes, there is.”

“Then, designate it as a temporary Management Team 3 and let Manager Kim Hyun-woo start as the interim team leader from today.”

Interim team leader!

Instead of being moved by those words.

“...Yes, understood.”

Watching Park Ju-yong’s face contort as if his facial muscles would burst was much more satisfying.

How sweet.

It felt like someone was pouring soda into my mouth.

“Manager Kim Hyun-woo.”


“Team Leader Park Ju-yong here is very capable. So, ask him if you have any questions. And Park, support Manager Kim Hyun-woo’s requests, especially in sensitive matters, contact me directly.”

Both Park Ju-yong and I answered simultaneously.


“Then, I have to go now. I have another schedule. Ms. Hye-eun, I apologize for not having a proper meal with you today.”

“No, it’s fine, CEO. Please go ahead.”

I wondered what kept Han Hye-eun busy. It was a meal with the CEO.

That’s legitimate.

“Goodbye, Sir!”

“Goodbye, CEO.”

Receiving two distinctly different farewell tones, Chun Tae-oh exited leisurely.

Wow, so cool.

As soon as the CEO left, Park Ju-yong grabbed my collar tightly.

“You... you’re incredibly lucky...”

I cut him off and slapped his hand away.

“Why are you doing this, Team Leader Park? Even though it’s interim, I’m a team leader. Can’t you show a little respect?”


Park Ju-yong was utterly stunned.

How satisfying it was to see that.

“Do you really think you can succeed? Do you think forming an idol group is easy? One mistake, and you’ll be down. Do you think the CEO will let it slide?”

“Oh, don’t worry about that.”


[Because I am God-AI!]

I will make it happen.

And I’ll enjoy the success with the idols.

“Team Leader, you should worry about ending up lower-ranked than me after I succeed.”

Saying that, I turned my back just like I saw Chun Tae-oh do earlier.

And Han Hye-eun naturally sidled up to me.

“Let’s have a coffee, Manager Kim Hyun-woo... no, Interim Team Leader.”

Ah, this is life.

This is sex.

Life is good, truly.

I casually waved my hand and left the place, gently squeezing Han Hye-eun’s thigh and butt.



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