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Episode 6: A face genius is good at soccer

A face genius is good at soccer

Episode 6: Crazy Girl (2)

When I opened the door, I saw a startled woman turning to look at me.

‘Wow... She’s seriously so pretty.’

She was even more beautiful than Ha-yeon, the prettiest girl on the cheerleading squad. I’m sorry to say it, but this girl was in a completely different league.

She looked to be in her early twenties.

She had long straight hair and was dressed simply in a white t-shirt and jeans, but her figure was so good that she looked like she stepped right out of a photoshoot.

However... her makeup was a bit off.

Her face was undoubtedly beautiful, but why did she do her makeup like that? It was like a child trying to imitate an adult—hard to describe, but a strange look.

It was definitely odd... The makeup was strange, yet it couldn’t hide her beauty. Maybe this is what they mean by "true beauty shines through."

She was standing right in front of my locker room.

But the thing she was holding... It looked familiar. The thing in her hand...

“My uniform...?”

Why is the locker room even open?

The woman, who had been standing frozen like a statue, suddenly panicked and quickly hid her hand behind her back.

Isn’t it a bit late for that? It’s not like I can’t see it.

The uniform peeking out from behind her was annoying.

“Excuse me. Who are you, and why are you holding my uniform? Also, how did you get into the locker room? How do you know the code?”

As she slowly backed away, the part of her body hidden behind the locker came into view.

What is going on with her?

Why are her pants halfway down... Wait, hold on.

Before I came in, what exactly was she doing?

She was definitely rubbing her face on my uniform... And her pants are halfway down...?

It's coming to me... The realization is coming.

This... This is...

“S-Sniffing masturbation!?”

“No, it's not!!”

She shouted in denial, but how could I believe her when her pants were halfway down?

Masturbating while sniffing something... I've only fantasized about that.

It's a pretty niche fetish, but isn’t this the kind of situation that would turn any guy on?

To be honest, back when I used to visit my childhood friend’s house, I once debated whether I should take her panties and use them for my own pleasure.

Some people wear panties on their faces and masturbate like a total pervert, but I wasn't at that level.

I just fantasized about sniffing the part that had just touched her, especially the area that split in the middle, and then, you know... masturbated to that thought.

I guess I was pretty tame back then.

There was a time when I was really into that fantasy and jerked off to it a lot.

Of course, I never actually did it.

My childhood friend had really sharp instincts, so I was sure I’d get caught if I stole her panties.

“Hey, listen. Calm down. I can totally understand if you were masturbating with my uniform.”

“N-No, I wasn’t!!”

Even though I said I understood, she screamed in denial and tried to make a run for it, only to trip and fall with a loud thud.

She must have forgotten that her pants were halfway down when she tried to run.

‘Is she an idiot?’

She seemed to have hurt herself pretty badly, but more importantly, what caught my eye was...


Pure white. Classic.

Just like they say, the end of tuning is factory default, and plain white panties are truly the best.

“Don’t look!!”

At her sharp scream, I reluctantly turned my head away.

I’m a gentleman, after all.

“Don’t look!!”

“I’m not looking.”

“I can see your eyes moving!”

...How did she know?

“You... You pervert!!”

“I’m not a pervert.”

“You were peeking, so you’re a pervert!!”

Hold on a second.

Speaking of perverts, isn’t the real pervert here this girl?

“Excuse me. Aren’t you the perv—”

“Kyaaah! I said don’t look!!”


I saw her throw something, but because I was in the middle of turning my head, I couldn’t dodge it, and it hit me square in the face.


The impact on my head... The world flashed as if a watermelon had just been split open, and then everything started spinning.

“Oh no, are you okay?”

“Wait... I feel dizzy...”

I staggered and collapsed from the dizziness.

Instinctively, I reached out and grabbed something.

When I came to my senses, for some reason, the woman's face was right in front of mine.

She smelled nice.

Without thinking, I sniffed the air, and then I felt a certain weight in my hand.

When I squeezed it, a soft sensation... soft?

I suddenly felt someone’s gaze and quickly looked up, locking eyes with the woman who was staring at me.



A moment of silence.

For some reason, she didn’t tell me to move, so I gave it a gentle squeeze.

“Your breasts are really soft.”

Oh man... They’re huge and so soft.



Click, click, click.

“Um... What are you doing...?”

Why is she...?


At her cold voice, I stopped squeezing and slowly stood up.

As soon as I got up, a sharp pain hit my head, and I had to rub my forehead.

Damn, this hurts like hell.

When I was touching her breasts, I didn’t feel any pain, but as soon as I stopped, the pain hit. I guess breasts really are like medicine.

‘Should I ask if I can touch them again since it hurts so much?’

As I absentmindedly scanned the floor, I noticed something lying there.

What did she throw at me... My phone?

There was a familiar phone lying on the floor.

“Damn it! This is my phone!!”

“Hmph. I told you not to look.”

“What... What the hell... Ha!”

I’m at a loss for words, both shocked and furious.

“This is seriously unbelievable.”

“It’s 'jeokbanhajang,' not 'jeokbanghajang.'”

[T/N: "jeokbanhajang" (적반하장) is a Korean idiom. It refers to a situation where someone who has done something wrong behaves as if they are the wronged party, often accusing the actual victim or innocent party.]

“...Jeokban, jeokbang, whatever. Wait, why did you throw a phone at me? And why was it my phone... No, this is weird. Why do you even have my phone?”


“The more I think about it, the weirder this gets. Hey, wait. You were sniffing my uniform while... masturbating!!”

As I talked, my anger gradually grew until I ended up shouting at her.

Ugh, damn. Shouting made my head feel like it was going to explode.

Forget that she’s pretty or anything. The pain has awakened the deep-seated rage stored in my gut.

“...I wasn’t.”

“You weren’t? Then why were you rubbing your face on my uniform? And why were your pants down?”

Her gaze, which had been darting around like she was in an earthquake, suddenly dropped to the floor.

Her lips quivered as she muttered in a small voice.

“That’s because...”


“There was a nice smell, so I was sniffing, and then...”

“You were sniffing, and?”

“And... all of a sudden, I needed to pee...”

“Oh, I see. So, let me get this straight. You somehow got into the soccer team’s locker room, which is off-limits to outsiders. You found something that smelled nice, which just happened to be my uniform in my locker. Then, you took it out to sniff it, and then suddenly felt the need to pee, so you pulled down your pants while still sniffing my uniform in the locker room?”


Are you kidding me?

“Sigh. Come on. Just be honest. You did it, didn’t you?”

“I-I didn’t!”

“Look, I like sniffing things too. I can understand. It’s totally fine to masturbate while sniffing something.”


“Of course. I mean, I’m pretty damn good-looking, so I totally get it. You probably just couldn’t resist masturbating while sniffing the uniform of someone as handsome as me.”

I mean, when I see pretty girls’ panties, I feel like sniffing them too.

“But damn it, what about my phone?! What are you going to do about the phone I bought just a month ago?!”

“Kyaa! You scared me! Don’t shout!!”

“Are you seriously in any position to shout at me right now, pervert?”

I sighed in exasperation as she suddenly jumped to her feet.

I could see the space between her thighs, with her pants still halfway down, and just above that... the white panties nestled between her thighs...

I stared blankly at the sight, but she quickly pulled up her pants.

I watched the panties disappear behind her jeans with a sense of lingering regret, then looked up to meet her gaze.



Feeling awkward, I stood up, and to my surprise, we were about the same height.

She's taller than I thought.

Maybe around the low 170s...?

The woman crossed her arms haughtily and scoffed.


"You’ve got to be kidding me. Who’s calling who a pervert?"

"Well, do you have any proof?"

"I mean, you were just sniffing my uniform—"

"Do you have proof or not?"

"Of course I do! I—"


Since it’s a shared locker room, there’s no CCTV. Wait, damn it. I really don’t have any proof?

"See? No proof. I’ve been wronged."

"Wow~ This is unbelievable! You’re wronged? If anyone’s been wronged, it’s me!! I saw it with my own eyes! And… Oh yeah, my phone! What are you going to do about my phone? It’s the latest model that I just bought last month!"

"Stop whining. Your phone? I’ll buy you another one."


"Yeah. The latest model."


"I’ll get you a phone, a tablet, and a pad. Happy now?"

...Well then.

I guess the phone situation is handled.

"And what about my forehead! My head still hurts like hell! What if my brain gets damaged?!"

"Doesn’t seem like there’s much left to damage, but since you’re in pain, I’ll blow on it for you."


* * *

I watched the woman’s figure as she walked away, feeling a bit uneasy.

I let her go, but... was that the right thing to do?

As I thought about it, I realized I actually came out ahead.

‘She promised to replace my broken phone with a brand-new Apple one. Plus, she’s getting me a tablet and a pad too, so this is a huge win.’

Most importantly, she blew on my forehead.

If she’d gotten a little closer, it could’ve been a kiss. That’s kind of a shame.

But I feel like I’ve seen her somewhere before.

Even though she’s a bit of a pervert, there’s no way I could forget a woman that pretty... Forget...

"Ah!! I remember now!! That rude girl from back then!!"

It was a day I could never forget.

The day I got my status window and my first day joining the soccer team.

That day, when I was running to school to avoid being late, I met that rude, pretty girl! She was the one just now.

Bzzz— Bzzz—

Just then, my phone, which was set to vibrate, rang. It was an unknown number on my cracked screen.


—Oh~ Min-jun~ Min-jun, why aren’t you here~~?

It was a woman’s voice.

She sounded like she was slurring her words, as if she were drunk.

"Who is this?"

—Oh wow~ How could you~ Did you already forget your noona, Min-jun?

"Noona? Who... Oh, is this Ji-kyung noona?"

—Noona is so hurt~~ Min-jun, you’re really mean!

"Oh, I’m so sorry! I’ll come right away!"

—Mm~ Noona was feeling dizzy, so I stepped out for a bit. Could you come here?

"If you tell me where you are, I’ll be right there! Oh, but noona, how did you get my number?"

—Your number? I asked one of the people I’m with~ Why? You don’t want noona to have your number?

"No, no, it’s fine!"

I rushed to the place Ji-kyung noona had mentioned and found her sitting against a wall, her face flushed red.

"Noona? Jikyung noona?"

"Min-jun~ Why did you take so long~?"

"I got caught up in something..."

"Min-jun. Noona’s feeling dizzy, so I’m going to step out for some fresh air. Could you help me walk?"

"Sure, noona."


But why are we in front of a motel?



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