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Side Character in a Romantic Comedy manga - Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Tachibana in Distress

In the end, my lunch break was ruined because of Takahashi, who followed me around like a goldfish’s shit. Even though I read the situation and left my seat to give Takahashi and Kushibiki a chance to talk without interruption, that idiot ruined everything.

I ended up feeling a bit sorry for that fluffy girl.

She was trying to talk to Takahashi because she needed something from him, but that light novel protagonist wouldn’t read the air and kept talking to me instead.

The typical dense protagonist found in romantic comedies. It’s somewhat annoying when you’re reading it, but it’s infuriating when it happens in real life.

Is that really the standard for protagonists in romantic comedies?

Takahashi is probably doing it naturally, which makes it worse. It’s something that will never change.

This time, since Kushibiki couldn’t talk to Takahashi, maybe I should set it up for her. It would be too pitiful to leave it as it is forever.

The next chance for Kushibiki to talk to Takahashi will be after school. So, my course of action is clear. I’ll get through the fifth and sixth periods, and as soon as the homeroom at the end of the day is over, I’ll start moving. I’ll quickly get ready to leave and dash out of the classroom.

This way, Kushibiki can talk to Takahashi without any reservations.

Heh, it’s going to be easy. My role is to be like a shadow, not interfering with the progression of the story…

“Hey! Tachibana, wait! Don’t leave me behind!”

I was at a loss for words. I dashed out of the classroom and didn’t slow down until I reached the bicycle parking area, but Takahashi, the dense light novel protagonist, followed me.

“Hey, didn’t Kushibiki try to talk to you?”

“Kushibiki-san? Oh, when I said I had something urgent to do, she said it would be okay to talk tomorrow, so I ran after you! Really, you should’ve told me beforehand if you have something urgent. I’m tired now.”

“No, you got it all wrong! Kushibiki wanted to talk to you! Go back and talk to her! You dense light novel protagonist! That kind of character isn’t popular anymore, a dense protagonist who misunderstands and plays dumb only gathers hate!”

“Eh, what? Did I do something wrong?”

That was close, too close. I almost lost my temper, but I, Tachibana Chihaya, who is against violence, managed to hold back.

That’s it. This Takahashi Hiroto is not just a light novel protagonist but also has elements of the recently popular isekai genre, making him a hybrid romantic comedy protagonist.

Did I do something wrong? That’s not the point.

My anger cooled off in an instant, and I ended up holding my head and sighing.

Takahashi is tilting his head, not knowing anything about the trouble I went through.

It can’t be helped. I’ll give up for today and try again tomorrow. Later, I’ll give Takahashi a painful lesson to make him reflect.

The next day, I went to school as usual and entered the classroom. As always, I was met with sneers and strange looks, but I’m not damaged by what people who have nothing to do with me think.

The rumors have stopped, but the skeptical looks towards me haven’t changed.

I took my seat, and after a while, Takahashi arrived.

Hmm. Kushibiki hasn’t come yet. There’s about fifteen minutes until the morning homeroom starts, but what will happen?

I chatted with Takahashi while waiting for Kushibiki, but she arrived in the classroom just as the bell was about to ring.

Seeing her sit down in her seat with a big yawn and looking sluggish, I decided to wait for another opportunity.

The second lunch break. This time, I will definitely leave Takahashi and Kushibiki alone.

With a firm resolution, I decided to execute the plan I had meticulously crafted during class.

First, as usual, Takahashi came to my seat to eat lunch.

The carefree Takahashi eyed the side dishes in my lunchbox, and I formed an L-shaped block to neutralize his attacks. I defended against Takahashi’s attacks with the L-shaped block while dodging with my amazing reflexes.

I can’t be playing around like this, but I can’t afford to upset Takahashi or make him suspicious. I have to be careful not to let my expression give anything away.

I’ll keep an eye on the timing and not forget to check on Kushibiki. She’s in the middle of the classroom, laughing with a few friends. It seems like some time has passed, so maybe she’s finished eating lunch. I’ve noticed her glancing over here occasionally.

Our eyes have met a few times, and I’ve seen her make a disgusted face, which makes me feel sorry inside. but it’s Takahashi who should be sorry, not me. I’m the one reflecting on this mess.

“I’m going to the staff room for a bit.”

“Huh? Did you do something? Did you mess up during the last class?”

“Don’t lump me in with those guys who just make noise and disrupt the class for fun. I just didn’t understand something in class, so I thought I’d go ask about it.”

“I didn’t say that much…”

Takahashi gave a wry smile and scratched his cheek. As far as I’m concerned, any excuse will do, but if I say I have business with a teacher in the staff room, this handsome guy won’t follow me.

It’s not like I didn’t understand anything in class. I can find out most things with a search on my smartphone, and AI has evolved a lot recently. Oh, that’s right. I might as well go ask about the scope of the midterm test. Golden Week is ending, and the midterms are coming up soon.

If I know the scope in advance, it’ll make both preparation and review easier.

I can concentrate better when I study alone, and I prefer to do it by myself.

People who say studying with friends is more productive are just making excuses.

If I study with someone else, it’s obvious that I won’t be able to concentrate and will end up playing instead of studying. It’s easy to imagine that there will be people who didn’t take notes during class or who didn’t listen at all, and it’s inevitable that they will come asking me to teach them.

Teaching study material to people who usually have no involvement and no motivation is a real loss and has no benefits. It’s best to ignore such people and just focus on my own studies.

Such unnecessary kindness only encourages them and eats into my own time. They usually neglect their efforts and immerse themselves in the illusion of youth with people they call friends under a pretense of a relationship.

…What is this!? Is this what Tachibana thinks…?

It’s easy for me to come up with insults. No wonder I’m disliked.

If there was a guy like Tachibana in the class, I’d hate it. I’m confident I would dislike him too.

It’s amazing that Takahashi can get along with such a rotten guy.

“Well then, I’m off.”

“Okay. I’ll come with you.”

“No, don’t follow me! Just stay there and behave. Didn’t I tell you to stop? Do you want to die?”

“I won’t die. Is it something you don’t want me to know that badly? It’s unbelievable that Tachibana, who is famous for not causing problems, has business in the staff room.”

“I told you it’s nothing important! How long are you going to follow me? Are you a stalker? Goldfish shit? Or is it just harassment towards me?”

“Is it wrong to want to be with a friend?”

Gah… What’s with that slightly sad and lonely smile?

Is this the protagonist’s privilege? Or is it some mysterious technique that only Takahashi can pull off?

No, that’s not it. This is a dog. A dog begging its owner!

Damn… I didn’t know Takahashi had such power. I can’t say no when he makes that face.

I ruffled my hair and said, hanging my head in defeat.

“Do whatever you want, Takahashi. I’m going.”

“Oh, did the tsundere activate!? Shouldn’t you be happier?”

“Shut up! I’ll leave you behind, you know?”

“You’re not honest, are you?”

My plan to bring Takahashi and Kushibiki together with the power of friendship has failed miserably. Is this hopeless now?





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